本文选题:电梯 + 综测仪 ; 参考:《南京航空航天大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Elevator inspection is an important part of elevator maintenance, and it is also an important guarantee of elevator safe and reliable operation. In view of the fact that there are many detecting equipments used in the current elevator detection process, it is inconvenient to switch back and forth, and the technical means used in individual detection items are unreasonable, this paper aims at multi-channel, wireless data transmission, and so on. The research and development of a high-integrated general elevator integrated detection system is carried out. The system takes ARM as the core, integrates temperature and humidity, illumination, noise, speed and other sensors for data acquisition, simultaneously carries on the voltage, the current, the resistance detection, and through embedded Bluetooth module, Realize a variety of detection data wireless transmission to Android mobile phone PDAand other mobile terminals. The main research contents of this paper are as follows: (1) aiming at the integrated functions of elevator integrated detection system, after analyzing the organization structure of common single-channel data acquisition system and the advantage of ARM processor over traditional single-chip computer, This paper puts forward and realizes the organization structure of comprehensive measurement system based on STM32F103 chip multi-channel data acquisition. It deeply analyzes the method of handrail speed measurement and the technology of wireless transmission of detection data in the development process of elevator integrated detection system. On this basis, the design of the main functional modules of the comprehensive measurement system: velocity measurement module, temperature and humidity acquisition module, illumination acquisition module, electric power acquisition module, Bluetooth communication module and upper computer software are designed. Finally, the comprehensive measuring instrument is tested and compared with the measurement results of the standard measuring instruments. The test results show that the design requirements are met except for some deviation of some test items. In view of the phenomenon that the temperature measurement value is too large in the temperature and humidity testing link, the paper analyzes and verifies the reasons that may lead to the larger error, and puts forward the improvement scheme on the structure.
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