本文选题:废弃矿区 + 景观 ; 参考:《大连工业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Mining operations in the mining area have greatly damaged the original vegetation cover, further aggravated the intensity of soil erosion, landslides and soil desertification, and also caused serious pollution of local dust. Deterioration of microclimate and loss of biodiversity [1]. Because of the lack of the process of mining and harnessing, the habitat behind the closed pit is very bad, which causes secondary pollution to the surrounding environment. Abandoned mining area has become a "urban scar" in reality, forming landscape heterogeneous patches. In addition to relying on conventional ecological restoration technology to improve the ecological matrix of abandoned mining area, increase the green area, make the ecological restoration landscape of abandoned mining area. Beautiful. The land resources of Dalian as a tourist city are very tight. The ecological restoration of abandoned mining areas can revitalize the land resources of Dalian City, and make the ecological restoration of abandoned mining areas into tourist land, commercial land, residential land, agricultural land, etc. Ecological environment has been improved at the same time, promote the development of urban economy. In this paper, data collection, data analysis, spatial simulation, empirical research, comparative methods and other research methods. Based on the research progress of landscape ecological restoration in abandoned mining areas at home and abroad, based on the theories of landscape ecology, landscape architecture, environmental and behavioral psychology, ecological restoration and engineering, the potential of abandoned mining areas in Dalian is activated. The present situation and problems of abandoned mining areas in Dalian are investigated and analyzed by activating the land resources of Dalian and restoring the urban ecosystem of Dalian. The concept, types, characteristics, elements, spatial composition and influence factors of abandoned mining area are defined. Based on the present situation of abandoned mining areas in Dalian and the nature of Dalian city, the characteristics, layout and ecological restoration objectives of abandoned mining areas in Dalian are discussed in this paper. The principles of ecological restoration of abandoned mining areas in Dalian, such as adapting measures to local conditions and suitable sites for construction, were clarified. The integrated theory system of landscape ecological restoration in abandoned mining areas of Dalian is constructed, that is, patch-corridor-matrix theory of landscape ecology and moderate interference theory. The theory guidance and fusion regeneration of whole life cycle theory and sustainable theory in ecological restoration of abandoned mining area. On the basis of the guidance of the integrated theory system, the technical system of landscape ecological restoration in abandoned mining area of Dalian is constructed, that is, the ecological restoration control technology obeying the urban master plan in macro scale. The whole life cycle process management and control technology on mesoscale scale, the implementation technology of ecological restoration of node patch on micro scale include soil pollution control technology, water remediation technology, plant landscape restoration technology and so on. Finally, taking the abandoned mining area of Dalian pre-leather as an example, based on the theory, principle and technology of landscape ecological restoration of abandoned mining area in Dalian, this paper discusses the feasibility of the research contents and results in detail.
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