本文选题:建筑能耗 + 组件模型 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Energy consumption, energy conservation and environmental protection have always been the focus of attention. Central air conditioning as a large energy consumption, its energy-consumption analysis and energy-saving control research has great significance. The energy consumption of air conditioning system is closely related to the internal and external disturbance factors such as control system, building type, enclosure structure, climate characteristics, flow rate of personnel and heat dissipation of equipment, which requires the research of energy saving control scheme to be based on the whole building. However, most of the current researches on control are separated from the actual buildings and the whole air-conditioning system, and are limited to some single links. This paper first introduces the composition and refrigeration principle of central air conditioning system, studies the number of refrigeration units, system efficiency, partial load performance coefficient IPLVand the matching scheme of the number of refrigerating units running, the difference of return water temperature is studied. The effect of fluid flow on air conditioning performance and energy consumption. This paper analyzes the influence of each link on the energy consumption of large market buildings, and puts forward the energy saving control scheme which changes with the load. Then, integrating knowledge of heat transfer, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and so on, the precise mathematical model of central air conditioning system is rebuilt in Trnsys software, including water pump, fan, wind / plumbing, valve assembly, etc. In order to make up for the shortage of Trnsys software only considering the thermodynamic characteristics of the pipe network and ignoring the hydraulic characteristics. Then, the model of market building and central air conditioning system is built in Trnsys software to simulate the air conditioning room temperature and heat and cold load. The joint control scheme of the whole air conditioning system is put forward, including air supply, return air and fresh air variable flow optimization control, refrigerated water secondary pump variable flow optimization control, refrigeration unit configuration scheme and unit number optimal start and stop control. By comparing with the original reference air conditioning system, the control effect is comprehensively analyzed, and the optimal control links and the overall system energy consumption are simulated and calculated. The proportion of energy saving in each link is 26.7661.94 and 22.955.75% and 26.95%, respectively. The whole air conditioning system is energy saving 26.95%, which indicates that the optimization control system has good energy saving effect from single control link to whole system.
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