本文选题:新四中建设 + 项目管理 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and society, the number and scale of engineering projects are increasing. Especially in recent years, the construction industry in China has been developing rapidly and various construction projects are appearing continuously. The quality of construction has also aroused widespread concern in the society. Many projects have many defects and many hidden dangers for the people's safety. According to the research on how to control the quality of the project construction in the new fourth middle project of Yantai Development Zone, this paper first summarizes the status of the research on the quality management of engineering construction at home and abroad, and puts forward the significance of the research. Secondly, the concept of quality and quality management is briefly expounded, and the quality of the project is analyzed. The characteristics and the whole process of quantity management, the main process of the process is: quality goal, quality planning, quality assurance and quality control. Then it introduces the outline of the construction project of the new four middle school, including the scale of the project, the time limit and the participants, etc., the basis of the quality goal policy, the management organization and the management principle to the new four. The quality of the school infrastructure projects is planned; at the same time, the quality assurance basis, technology, method and specific measures of the quality assurance of the new four middle schools are guaranteed. The tools used in the quality control of the new four middle construction projects and the concrete process of the quality control method are also carried out. Finally, control from the aspects of human, material, machine, material and ring. The quality of the new fourth middle school infrastructure project is made, and the measures to improve the quality management of the new four middle school infrastructure projects are also put forward. The following conclusions are made as follows: first, the quality publicity and education should be strengthened and the quality awareness of the staff should be enhanced; secondly, the role of the leadership should be fully played and the quality goal responsibility system should be fully implemented; third, The quality management culture of self improvement is set up in the enterprise; fourth, we must continuously collect quality information, carry out the whole process supervision of the quality of the project, and finally, carry out the standard chemical land management.
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