本文选题:钢筋混凝土柱 + 钢管混凝土翼墙 ; 参考:《沈阳建筑大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of our economy and the extensive demand of the construction industry, people have higher and higher requirements for the comfort, practicability and safety of the residential buildings, and at the same time, it has promoted the development of the industry of strengthening and reforming the building structures. At present, many existing buildings or structures in cities have been used for a long time, the bearing capacity and seismic performance of structures have been reduced. This requires us to build a variety of new buildings, but also to the old building to strengthen the main components. Reinforced concrete structure is one of the most widely used structures in China. At present, there are a lot of reinforcement methods for reinforced concrete structures, but there are few researches on the reinforcement of reinforced concrete members with wing walls. Most of the reinforced concrete columns are strengthened with reinforced concrete wing walls. In this paper, the mechanical properties of reinforced concrete columns reinforced with CFST composite structures as wing walls are studied. The reinforced concrete columns strengthened with CFST wing walls is a new reinforcement method. In this paper, the strengthening method is deeply studied and analyzed. The feasibility and practicability of the method are verified by the stiffness equivalence, force analysis and finite element simulation of the strengthened members. The main work of this paper is divided into two aspects. On the one hand, the stiffness equivalent and force analysis of reinforced column members with CFST wing wall are carried out. Firstly, the strengthened members are simplified into a two-story and two-span frame calculation model. On this basis, the stiffness equivalent and stress analysis of the strengthened members are carried out. On the other hand, the axial compression ratio, the length of the wing wall and the thickness of the steel tube are the parameters under the low cycle reciprocating load. The reinforced concrete columns strengthened with CFST wing wall were simulated by finite element software ABAQUS. The stiffness, ductility and seismic behavior of the strengthened members under each parameter are analyzed. The simulation results show that the hysteretic curve of CFST reinforced columns is full, which has strong energy dissipation ability and good seismic performance, and with the increase of axial compression ratio, the ultimate bearing capacity increases and the ductility decreases. With the increase of wing wall length, the elastic stiffness and ultimate bearing capacity of the members increase, but the ductility change is not obvious; with the increase of steel tube thickness, the elastic stiffness of the members increases, and the ultimate bearing capacity increases.
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