本文选题:住宅用地 + 居住空间分异 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The reasonable degree of spatial structure of urban residential land will not only affect the quality of life of residents, but also affect the development efficiency of the whole city. The essence of the change of spatial structure of residential land is the concrete manifestation of the change of social structure in the spatial distribution of residential land. In the context of rapid urbanization in China, the development of state-level tourist resorts also appears the phenomenon of urbanization and promotes the formation of spatial differentiation of the internal residential land. Based on the SPOT5 and satellite remote sensing image data from 2003 to 2012, this paper analyzes the spatial differentiation of residential land in Jinshitan tourist Resort, and takes Dalian Jinshitan tourist Resort as the research area. On the scale of administrative village, this paper studies the spatial differentiation process, distribution characteristics and driving mechanism of residential land in Jinshitan tourist Resort area by using GIS technology combined with differentiation index D and multi-group differentiation measure model, and realizes the optimal allocation of resources. To promote the healthy and steady development of domestic tourist resorts. The results show that the differentiation of different residential sites varies from 2003 to 2012 in Kingstone Beach tourist Resort. The differentiation degree of rural housing gradually increased, and the other kinds of residential differentiation showed a downward trend. The value range of garden house differentiation was 0.06 ~ 0.65, and the range of fluctuation was the most severe. The intensity of spatial differentiation of residential land in Jinshitan tourist Resort area changes within a reasonable range. Under the background that traditional houses are gradually replaced by new ones, the occupied area of garden houses, commercial residences and ordinary residences is increasing with each passing day. Distribution is more and more wide, mainly along the coastline and scenic areas of distribution. In the three stages of the residential industry development, the spatial differentiation driving mechanism of residential land in Jinshitan tourist Resort area is various. Government decision-making is the regulating force, social stratum differentiation is the important force, market mechanism is the leading force, and individual choice is the auxiliary force. These factors promote each other and restrict each other. Working together in the development of tourism real estate in Jinshi Beach tourist Resort. 4) the excessive differentiation of living space will bring about social class solidification, social welfare imbalance and the increase of social hidden dangers and other social problems. In order to alleviate the difference of residential space, this paper puts forward four kinds of control schemes: constructing fair flow mechanism, constructing harmonious urban living space, perfecting the current housing security system and carrying out reasonable settlement mode. As the representative of the first batch of national tourist resorts Dalian Jinshitan tourist Resort has profound reference significance for the development of other similar tourist resorts by studying the spatial evolution process and formation mechanism of its residential land.
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