本文选题:越南古建筑 + 遗产保护 ; 参考:《北京工业大学》2015年博士论文
[Abstract]:The architectural heritage of Vietnam represents the culture and history of Vietnam. In the world, the architectural heritage of Vietnam may not be particularly great, but they have already contributed to making the cultural heritage of mankind richer and more wonderful. This paper is aimed at the basic research topic of the theory of protection of Vietnamese architectural heritage. The specific research contents include: the definition of Vietnamese architectural heritage, the types, characteristics and main causes of Vietnamese architectural cultural relics heritage. Analysis; the development course of Vietnamese architectural heritage protection; the value evaluation of Vietnamese architectural cultural relics heritage; the national system of Vietnam architectural cultural relics heritage protection; the definition, content and principle of Vietnam ancient architecture cultural relics heritage protection; Case study: a case study on the restoration and protection of ancient building structure in Vietnam. The value evaluation research, the national system research and the definition, content and principle of "protection" of Vietnamese architectural heritage protection are the main contents of this paper, which convey the basic point of view of this paper. The value of Vietnam's traditional architectural heritage is a basic problem in the protection of architectural heritage. Through analysis, this paper summarizes the existing contents in many aspects, and puts forward that the architectural heritage has three basic values-information value. Emotion, symbolic value and utilization value, the connotation of their specific interpretation and explanation. In this paper, the basic criteria of value evaluation are proposed systematically, which consists of standard scale (including truthfulness, representativeness, integrality) and standard system (including: time, space, etc.). There are three standard measures of quantity) two aspects of the composition of the content. On this basis, the evaluation methods and contents of Vietnam architectural heritage value are studied comprehensively. The national system for the protection of Vietnam's architectural heritage includes the protection system, regulations and policies. According to the characteristics and reality of Vietnam's architectural heritage, this paper puts forward the suggestion and conception of the two-track system of heritage protection. And put forward the traditional heritage and ancient building conservation technology into the existing national heritage and ancient building protection system in Vietnam. The existing cultural relics and ancient buildings protection system in Vietnam includes two parts: management system and legal system. Based on the analysis of the present situation, this paper makes a theoretical analysis of their problems and shortcomings. It is considered that the integrity of legislation is an important problem to be solved in the present national system of protection of architectural relics and heritage in Vietnam. The definition of the concept of "the value of the heritage of Vietnamese traditional ancient architecture" and the study of the concrete contents and basic principles of conservation are the key contents of this paper. The concept of "cultural heritage protection" lacks an accurate and uniform definition in the existing laws and regulations of Vietnam, and this paper tries to supplement and perfect it. It is put forward that "protection" refers to all behavior activities that understand the ontology of architectural heritage and its related historical environment and keep them safe and in good condition. It is considered that "cultural heritage protection" should include the intervention of research, engineering restoration technology, and display. Use, improve and develop, environment repair, education, management and other aspects of the content, and explain their specific connotation and basic principles. The fundamental purpose of protecting the heritage of ancient buildings is to preserve the culture that permeates every heritage of architectural relics, and at the same time to show the historical value of the historical records witnessed by the heritage of these ancient buildings.
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