[Abstract]:The countryside was the original village of Chinese traditional culture, the foundation of ethics and the birthplace of farming civilization. From "New Countryside Construction", "Urban-Rural overall Planning", "Beautiful Countryside" and so on, it emphasizes the strategic significance of rural areas to the development of China's modernization, and puts forward the national "new-type urbanization". It provides a new background and train of thought for the concrete development of Chinese countryside. With the acceleration of urbanization, rural areas are changing from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Rural landscape is a complex of rural nature, economy, society and culture, and an important carrier in the process of modern rural construction. This paper combs the theoretical research of rural landscape at home and abroad, summarizes the rural construction at home and abroad in order of time, starts with the three basic characteristics of rural landscape, such as extensiveness, publicity and naturalness, and combines the natural elements of rural landscape. Economic factor, social factor and cultural factor are four elements. At the same time, the internal and external impetus to promote the development of rural landscape is deeply studied, and the connotation of rural landscape is summarized and refined. Looking back on the course of rural construction in Guangzhou, taking the rural landscape as the starting point, taking the representatives of various districts in Guangzhou as follows: Baishan Village in Baiyun Mountain, Dazing Village in Nansha District, Hang Tau Village and Xinshui Hang Village in Panyu District, Tai Po Wai Village in Zengcheng District as research objects. Through field investigation, data collection, comparative analysis of village settlement landscape, agricultural landscape and natural ecological landscape of different rural types in Guangzhou, and how to improve and optimize effective resources to reduce interference to nature, Scientific and reasonable guidance of rural landscape diversification and sustainable development. Finally summed up the landscape construction of different types of rural areas in Guangzhou: rural tourism agriculture rural resources should be excavated, reserved space; Shatin water rural agricultural villages should focus on water as a medium; suburban industrial type of rural intensive unity, The mode of production is transformed to non-agricultural industry, and the ecological independent village realizes the local urbanization. In the continuation and renewal of the village settlement landscape, the overall landscape pattern should be coordinated with the old and new, and the identifiability should be strengthened; the architectural style and features should be renewed and developed by means of protection, reconstruction, demolition, replacement, etc. Spontaneous neighborhood space, social collective space function building. Farmland landscape can guarantee the integrity of farmland, strengthen the stability of landscape pattern by garden and forest land, and combine agricultural experience with science popularization, which is of educational significance to life course. The natural ecological landscape plays the role of green infrastructure and constructs the landscape security pattern. In the strategy of rural landscape diversification, natural elements are the core elements of rural landscape, which should pay attention to organic development, spatial differentiation, economic factor is the main driving force of rural development, excavate agricultural industrialization, extend value chain; Social elements can actively guide the construction of social space, improve the public participation of villagers: cultural elements can coordinate the relationship between rural people and nature, through the maintenance, mining, infiltration into the rural modern production and life, To form the original villagers as the main body of cultural identity.
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