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发布时间:2018-08-19 11:11
[Abstract]:In order to perfect the design standard of smoke prevention and exhaust system, through field investigation, field test, and discussion with design, construction, inspection and fire protection personnel, the problems existing in the installed smoke prevention and exhaust system and the current code have been found. In view of the characteristics of natural ventilation and mechanical smoke control and exhaust system, the relationship between natural smoke exhaust system and mechanical smoke exhaust system is clarified from the point of view of enhancing the effectiveness and reliability of smoke prevention and exhaust system. It is put forward that the problems existing in the whole system should be solved from the aspects of design, construction, acceptance, product quality and daily management, and the experimental research to improve the system efficiency should be carried out, especially in connection with the completed new project, and the scientific research should be carried out. In order to provide the basis for the determination of reasonable and effective technical parameters, the fire control and design units jointly carry out the confirmatory test research.
【作者单位】: 公安部消防局;


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