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发布时间:2018-08-22 08:51
[Abstract]:In February 2013, the State Council issued the State Council's approval to cancel the establishment of the prefecture-level Haidong city in Haidong, which has become the youngest prefecture-level city in the country. At the same time, the State Council identified Lanzhou-Xining region as the main urbanization area of our country in the "National main function area Planning", and identified it as the key development area with strong carrying capacity of resources and environment and better agglomeration of population and economic conditions. The level of regional social and economic development depends on a reasonable regional spatial structure. Therefore, from the point of view of regional development, this paper intends to analyze the regional effects of the urban spatial reorganization of the passive administrative division adjustment in Haidong city on the Lanxi economic zone. In the theoretical part of this paper, the types of urban spatial reorganization are divided into two types: active type and passive type. The former is a kind of large city which is reorganized spontaneously because of the improvement of service level, which is generally the study of urban internal spatial structure. The latter is a small and medium-sized city with urban spatial reorganization due to the adjustment of administrative divisions. Emphasis is placed on the study of urban extension. In view of China's social and economic transition, the two types coexist. Taking Haidong City as an example, this paper analyzes the effect of the urban spatial recombination of passive administrative division adjustment on regional development. The empirical part of this paper, firstly, explains the present situation of urban spatial reorganization in Haidong city, secondly, analyzes the mechanism and driving force of urban spatial reorganization in Haidong city, and explains why and how to restructure Haidong city. Then it analyzes the relationship between point and surface of Haidong City and Lanxi Economic Zone, and predicts the regional effect of the urban spatial reorganization of Haidong City on the Lanxi Economic Zone. Finally, aiming at the future development of Lanxi Economic Zone, the regional strategy is put forward. Through the analysis of the intensity and membership degree of urban spatial connection in Lanxi Economic Zone, it is found that Haidong City potential Index and Urban Spatial membership degree are second only to Xining and Lanzhou, indicating that the opportunity of urban spatial reorganization in Haidong City is mature. Is also in line with the future development of the Lanxi Economic Zone needs. The global autocorrelation analysis also shows that there is correlation among the towns in Lanxi Economic Zone, but the local autocorrelation analysis, the potential of urban spatial connection and the degree of relationship membership indicate that Lanzhou has not fully played the role of growth pole, and the distribution of cities and towns is scattered. Development of independence Therefore, the urban spatial reorganization of the passive administrative division adjustment in Haidong City is beneficial to the improvement of the regional spatial structure in the eastern part of Qinghai and the Lanxi economic zone, and is expected to bring into play the system integration effect, the stage correlation effect, and the resource optimization effect. On the one hand, it combines with Xining to form a binuclear space structure to improve the ability to gather and radiate the eastern Qinghai and Lanxi economic zones; on the other hand, it acts as a city function of an intermediate location city and constructs a bridge between Lanzhou and Xining. In order to perfect the regional spatial structure and improve the level of regional development, the overlapping spatial connection level of Xining-Haidong, Haidong-Lanzhou, Xining-Lanzhou and Xining-Lanzhou is formed.


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