[Abstract]:The effects of activators and activation conditions on the properties of formed coke were investigated by chemical activation with the basic component of municipal sludge as binder. The consolidation mechanism and structure of formed coke were analyzed. The results showed that phosphoric acid had the best activation effect on sludge. When the phosphoric acid concentration was 30g / mL, the impregnation ratio was 5.3 g / mL, and the impregnation time was 24 h, the compressive strength of raw and cooked blocks was more than 5000 N, and the falling strength was 7 times and 8 times, respectively. The water resistance (compressive strength after 24 h soaking) was 2575 N and 3015 N, respectively. The pyrolysis of raw blocks is divided into three stages. The formation of -P-O-M-O-P- polymer structure between phosphate molecules is the main reason for the formation of bonded blue carbon powder. The position of infrared absorption peak of the cooked block is basically the same as that of the blue charcoal, but the intensity is obviously weakened, and there is no vibratory absorption peak related to phosphorus, which indicates that the residual amount of phosphorus in the coke is very small.
【作者单位】: 榆林学院化学与化工学院;陕西省低变质煤洁净利用重点实验室;榆林学院能源工程学院;
【基金】:陕西省科技厅项目(2016SF-451) 榆林市科技计划项目(Gy13-03)
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