[Abstract]:With the increasing process of urbanization in our country, the ecological problems faced by cities are becoming more and more prominent, the ecology is destroyed and ecological disasters occur frequently. Especially the shortage of water resources and the serious pollution of urban water environment have become the most important ecological problems. For these reasons, the government proposed the construction of sponge city in 2014. The key to the implementation of sponge cities is to organize urban water conservancy systems, including rivers, lakes and groundwater systems, under the guidance of the concept of low-impact development, so as to form a common function. Control pollution and ecological restoration of water environment. This paper studies sponge city theory that urban green space plays the role of auxiliary water conservancy system to control Rain Water in the construction of sponge city, so after studying the concept, principle, goal and content of low impact development idea, The design idea of Rain Water Garden should be put into practice after site planning. Taking a simulated site as an example, the site design under the guidance of low impact development idea is introduced step by step. By comparing with the traditional Rain Water garden, this paper summarizes the characteristics of Rain Water garden, analyzes its main design contents and design principles with reference to practical experience, and proves the implementation of the above theory systematically by combining the domestic and foreign practice cases.
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