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发布时间:2018-10-12 14:05
【摘要】:随着经济的高度发展,国内出现了越来越多的建筑体型复杂、平面布置不规则、功能多样化的不规则超限高层建筑,目前大量的震害统计与研究分析表明,无论是平面还是竖向不规则均容易诱发结构破坏或倒塌,对建筑结构的抗震性能产生严重不利影响。显然,如何保证不规则超限高层结构的抗震性能成为结构抗震研究的关键问题,而采用防屈曲支撑(BRB)耗能减震技术提高结构的抗震安全性是解决问题的有效方法。利用BRB装置控制结构的损伤是积极主动的抗震防灾技术,但是BRB究竟能对不规则超限高层结构提供多大安全储备尚不明确,因此揭示BRB性能参数(初始刚度、屈服强度及屈服后刚度比)与不规则超限高层结构抗震性能之间关系,建立BRB性能参数与结构抗震可靠度之间关系对于控制不规则超限高层结构损伤至关重要。本文以某不规则超限高层框剪结构为研究对象,采用静力弹塑性分析、非线性动力时程分析及地震易损性等分析方法研究BRB对结构抗侧力性能、结构地震响应、结构损伤程度及易损性评估结果的影响,同时讨论BRB性能参数对结构地震易损性评估结果的影响,并揭示BRB主要性能参数与不规则超限高层结构抗震性能之间关系,建立BRB性能参数与结构地震易损性之间的函数关系。本文主要研究内容及结论如下:(1)鉴于地震动强度参数与结构参数是影响正确评估复杂高层结构抗震性能的关键参数,本文以某不规则超限高层框剪结构为研究对象,考虑结构参数对复杂高层结构地震动强度参数敏感性分析结果的影响,研究BRB对结构地震动强度参数敏感性评估结果的影响,并选取较能反映结构地震响应的地震动强度参数。分析结果表明,BRB对不规则超限高层框剪结构地震动强度参数敏感性评估结果的影响明显,导致地震动强度参数敏感性评估结果产生较大的离散性;地面峰值速度PGV对本文分析采用的不规则超限高层框剪结构地震需求影响程度最高,适合作为结构地震易损性评估的分析参数。(2)为致力于更加全面详细的了解BRB对不规则超限高层框剪结构抗震性能的影响,本文基于静力弹塑性、非线性动力时程及地震易损性等分析方法,从结构抗侧力性能、结构动力响应及结构地震破坏超越概率等方面研究BRB对结构抗震性能的影响。结构动力特性分析结果表明防屈曲支撑能够提高结构整体刚度,减小结构的自振周期及扭转效应;静力弹塑性分析结果表明BRB能够提高结构抗侧刚度、承载力及延性;非线性动力时程分析结果表明BRB能够为结构提供一定刚度,并能通过塑性变形耗散大量地震能量,使得结构在地震作用下的顶点加速度及基底剪力增大,顶点位移、整体塑性滞回耗能及最大层间位移角减小,同时结构剪力墙和柱的损伤程度及损伤范围均大幅减小;地震易损性分析结果表明BRB能够有效减小结构地震易损性超越概率,但减小程度随着地震动强度的增大而逐渐减小。与地震动强度PGV相比,以PGA为地震动强度参数指标进行结构地震易损性分析时,会高估不规则超限高层框剪结构超越不同破坏状态的失效概率,低估防屈曲支撑对不规则超限高层框剪结构地震易损性的影响。(3)本文基于地震易损性分析方法,分别拟合BRB性能参数与不规则超限高层结构地震需求(最大层间位移角)之间关系,建立并验证BRB性能参数与结构地震易损性之间的关系,同时研究BRB性能参数对不规则超限高层框剪结构地震易损性的影响,并对比分析其性能参数对结构地震易损性影响程度。分析结果表明,随着BRB抗侧刚度比、屈服强度及屈服后刚度比逐渐增大,不规则超限高层框剪结构地震易损性超越概率均逐渐减小,但减小程度却逐渐减缓,趋于平稳。根据不同BRB性能参数的结构地震易损性对比结果可知, BRB抗侧刚度比对结构地震易损性的影响程度最大,屈服强度的影响程度其次,而屈服后刚度比的影响最小,可忽略不计,因此本文建议只选取BRB抗侧刚度比及屈服强度,建立BRB性能参数与结构地震易损性之间的关系,评判BRB性能参数对结构地震易损性的影响。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy, there are more and more complex buildings, irregular layout and diversified functions. Neither the plane nor the vertical irregularity can induce structural damage or collapse, which has a serious adverse effect on the anti-seismic performance of the building structure. Obviously, how to ensure that the anti-seismic performance of the irregular overrun high-rise structure becomes the key problem of structural seismic research, and the anti-buckling support (BRB) energy-consuming shock-absorbing technology is adopted to improve the seismic safety of the structure as an effective way to solve the problem. The damage of BRB device control structure is an active anti-seismic disaster prevention technology, but it is not clear whether the BRB can provide multi-large security reserve for irregular overrun high-rise structure, thus revealing the BRB performance parameter (initial stiffness, The relationship between yield strength and post-yield stiffness ratio and anti-seismic performance of irregular out-of-limit high-rise structures is important to control the damage of irregular overrun high-rise structures. In this paper, the effects of BRB on structure anti-lateral force performance, structural seismic response, structural damage degree and the evaluation results are studied by means of static elastic-plastic analysis, nonlinear dynamic time-path analysis and seismic data analysis. At the same time, the influence of the BRB performance parameters on the evaluation results of the structural seismic data is discussed, and the relationship between the main performance parameters of the BRB and the seismic performance of the irregular overrun high-rise structures is revealed, and the function relation between the BRB performance parameters and the structural seismic data is established. The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) In view of the influence of ground motion intensity parameter and structural parameter is the key parameter to evaluate the seismic performance of complex high-rise structure correctly, this paper studies the structure of an irregular out-of-limit high-rise frame as the research object. Considering the influence of structural parameters on the sensitivity analysis results of vibration intensity parameters of complex high-rise structures, the influence of BRB on the sensitivity evaluation results of structural vibration intensity parameters is studied, and the ground vibration intensity parameters which can reflect the structural seismic response are selected. The results show that the influence of BRB on the sensitivity evaluation results of the vibration intensity parameters of irregular over-limit high-rise frame shear structures is obvious, which results in greater discreteness of the sensitivity evaluation results of ground vibration intensity parameters. The ground peak velocity PGV has the highest impact degree on the seismic demand of the irregular out-of-limit high-rise frame shear structure adopted in this paper, and is suitable to be used as the analysis parameter of the structural seismic assessment. (2) For more comprehensive and detailed understanding of the influence of BRB on the seismic behavior of irregular overrun high-rise frame shear structures, based on the analysis methods of static elasto-plastic, nonlinear dynamic time and seismic analysis, the structure anti-lateral force performance is obtained. The influence of BRB on seismic performance of structure is studied in terms of structural dynamic response and structural earthquake damage exceeding probability. The structural dynamic characteristic analysis results show that the anti-buckling support can improve the overall rigidity of the structure, reduce the self-vibration period and the torsion effect of the structure, and the static-plastic analysis results show that the BRB can improve the structure anti-side rigidity, bearing capacity and ductility; The nonlinear dynamic time-path analysis results show that the BRB can provide a certain rigidity for the structure, and can dissipate a great amount of seismic energy through plastic deformation, so that the acceleration of the vertex under the action of the earthquake and the increase of the shear of the substrate, the displacement of the vertex, The total plastic hysteresis energy consumption and the maximum inter-layer displacement angle are reduced, meanwhile, the damage degree and damage range of the structural shear wall and the column are greatly reduced, and the analysis result of the seismic data analysis result shows that the BRB can effectively reduce the overstepping probability of the structure earthquake, but the degree of decrease gradually decreases as the ground vibration strength increases. Compared with the ground vibration intensity PGV, when the structural seismic data analysis is carried out with the PGA as the ground vibration intensity parameter index, the failure probability of the irregular overrun high-rise frame shear structure to exceed the different failure states is estimated, The influence of anti-buckling support on the seismic effect of irregular overrun high-rise frame shear structures is underestimated. (3) Based on the seismic analysis method, the relationship between the BRB performance parameters and the seismic demand of irregular over-limit high-rise structures (maximum inter-layer displacement angle) is fitted, and the relationship between the BRB performance parameters and the structural seismic data is established and verified. At the same time, the influence of the BRB performance parameters on the seismic response of the irregular overrun high-rise frame shear structure is studied, and the influence degree of its performance parameters on the structural seismic response is analyzed. The results show that with the BRB anti-side stiffness ratio, the yield strength and the yield post-yield stiffness ratio gradually increase, the probability of the seismic response of the irregular out-of-limit high-rise frame shear structure decreases gradually, but the degree of decrease is gradually slowed down and the stress is stable. According to different BRB performance parameters, it can be found that the impact degree of BRB anti-side stiffness ratio is the largest and the yield strength is the lowest, and the influence of the yield strength is the least, and it can be neglected. Therefore, it is suggested to select only BRB anti-side stiffness ratio and yield strength, establish the relationship between BRB performance parameters and structural seismic data, and judge the influence of BRB performance parameters on structural seismic data.


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