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发布时间:2018-10-15 10:36
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's social economy, as a comprehensive transportation hub which plays an important role in driving the city economy, the construction of its periphery leads to the formation of various complex traffic flows. The urban functional space of the hub area needs to be deconstructed and reorganized. In view of the coordination and promotion between the integrated transportation hub area and the urban planning, this paper makes a deep research on the coordination theory and related collaborative technology models. In this paper, the planning elements and evaluation indexes of the integrated transportation hub and adjacent areas are analyzed and analyzed. This paper introduces the concept cognition of "synergy degree" based on "high quality of human behavior" and "efficient utilization of space" based on urban hub area, which is regarded as the theoretical supporting system of collaborative measurement research. Then, through the research of the basic factors related to the quality factors, the primary basic elements set of the cooperative index factors is completed. On this basis, the eigenvalues of foreign excellent hub road networks are calculated according to the complex network model, which is used as the quantization index of the network topology reachability in adjacent areas. Then the AHP method is used to evaluate the coordination, transfer rate and reachability. This paper takes Chengdu Railway Station, Shanghai Railway Station and Hankou Railway Station as examples to verify the relevant theory and the empirical study of indicators, and to analyze the results of calculation, so as to demonstrate the feasibility and reliability of the index system. The optimization strategy and method based on coordinated construction and development of hubs and adjacent areas in China are summarized.


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