[Abstract]:Energy saving and environmental protection of central heating is one of the basic facilities of urban construction and development. At present, the main form of heating, the quality of central heating system directly affects the quality of life of the people. The heating system is a complex multivariable large system, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of operation control. With the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection and the improvement of heating demand, the research on optimization strategy of heating operation is put on the agenda to better solve the problem of thermal imbalance and improve the quality of heating. At the same time, in order to improve the efficiency and social economic benefit of enterprises, it is imperative to adopt modern technical means to realize the comprehensive monitoring, management and optimization of heating operation. According to the law of conservation of energy and the mechanism of heating equipment, the physical model of each component of heating operation is deduced in this paper, and the parameters of the model are identified by the method of least square method combined with the actual response curve, and finally the regulation of heating quality is established. The dynamic modeling of heating system is realized by the model of quantity regulation process. Operation optimization as a hot issue of central heating has been concerned in the field of control, reasonable and feasible optimization strategy can maximize the advantages of central heating energy saving and consumption reduction. In this paper, the optimization of heating operation process in MATLAB environment is explored. The simulation results show that the distributed predictive control strategy is more effective than other control strategies. However, with different coupling, the optimal solution of distributed predictive control based on Nash does not necessarily converge to Pareto optimal solution. Therefore, an improved algorithm of distributed predictive control strategy based on cooperative game theory is proposed in this paper. The optimal solution of the improved strategy converges to the optimal solution of centralized control under different coupling conditions. The MATLAB simulation results show that the improved algorithm performs well in the iterative tracking process. Based on the above strategy research, a scheme of distributed control and decentralized control for heating subsystem is proposed, which can reduce the calculation amount of centralized control on line and meet the demand of heat users' self-regulation easily at the same time. In order to improve the automation level of the heating system, enhance the maneuverability of the optimization strategy, and maximize the energy saving and consumption reduction, the software of the heating monitoring and optimization system is developed in this paper. The system starts from the interface design, the system function design and the database design, realizes the heating network real-time monitoring, the history inquiry, the system optimization and so on function. It lays a foundation for the integrated operation and intelligent management of the heating operation system.
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