[Abstract]:There are strict requirements for mechanical and thermal properties of building enclosure in northeast cold region. According to investigation, 490mm thick solid clay brick wall is commonly used in cold region, and the heat transfer coefficient is as high as 1.25W/ (m2 K). This paper intends to develop a self-insulating block with good energy-saving effect, light weight, thin wall and high strength. On the basis of the original research results and the orthogonal test results of the compressive strength of the vibration-pressurized ceramsite concrete, this paper puts forward the adjustment of the mix ratio of the original concrete hollow block and the addition of rock wool and slag. The wall thickness is only 280 mm and the heat transfer coefficient is 031W/ (M 2 K) and 0.39W/ (m 2 K), respectively. The MU3.5 and MU5.0 high thermal resistance self-insulating blocks are developed, which not only meet the requirements of building energy saving in current codes, but also greatly reduce the wall thickness. The material is saved and the use area is increased. Through the test of mechanical properties of the block, the influence of vibratory compression molding technology and the composition of ceramic lightweight aggregate on the strength development of the new composite self-insulating concrete block was investigated. Combined with the existing research, the relationship between the compressive strength and the age of block is obtained by Matlab fitting. The thermal performance of three groups of block wall is tested by hot box method, and the influence of moisture content on the thermal performance of block wall is explored. The moisture content of block wall should be strictly controlled when it is suggested by hot box Fatt point to test the thermal performance of block wall. Combined with the requirements of the code and practical application, the compressive failure characteristics and compressive properties (cracking coefficient and strength utilization coefficient) of four groups of new composite self-insulating concrete block masonry are studied through axial compression tests. In this paper, it is found that the "general block strength grade is higher than mortar strength grade" as suggested in masonry code is not suitable for new self-insulating composite concrete block. Through theoretical analysis, it is suggested that the mortar fit strength should be higher than the compressive strength of the block for hollow block, but slightly lower than the strength of the base material of block concrete. It is found that the design value of compressive strength of new type block masonry is higher than that of MU5.0 Mb5.0 grade of double-row hole or multi-row hole lightweight aggregate concrete block masonry, and can be used in the load-bearing wall of two-story masonry structure of village and town building in northeast cold area. At the same time, the average compressive strength of concrete block masonry provided by the code is also suitable for the new composite self-insulating concrete block masonry. This paper also gives the suggested formula of stress-strain curve, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio for new block masonry. Four groups of standard pure shear specimens of new composite self-insulating concrete block masonry were tested on shearing performance along the pass joint. Due to the EPS insulation board inserted in the hole, the new type block basically realized the slurry laying with blind hole, which effectively avoided the masonry leakage. The shear strength of the new block masonry is much higher than that of the normal concrete hollow block.
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