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发布时间:2018-12-07 11:34
[Abstract]:"Historic District" has expanded cultural relics conservation units and historical and cultural blocks and emphasized the protection of the historical relics of the present situation, and the overall and systematic protection of the historical patterns and features of the urban development process. Including the general sense of the "ancient city" and "old city". This concept can be applied to the protection of historical areas with no clear physical boundary in urban areas, which were developed in modern times such as Beihai. In addition, the author puts the protection of the historical district of Beihai under the background of the renewal of the old city, which not only bases on the protection of historical and cultural heritage, but also emphasizes the excavation and display of historical and cultural resources. To realize the coordination between the protection of the historical city and the renewal and development of the old city, and to promote the revival and development of the old city. The paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background of the research on the protection of Beihai Old City, and the significance of the research to guide the development of Beihai Old City and the protection of historical and cultural cities of modern and modern times. The second chapter is a summary of relevant theories, defining "modern city" in time, putting forward and developing the concept of "historic city" protection, the status and significance of designation in the protection system of famous cities in our country. The definition and related theories of "Old City Renewal" are summarized, and the existing researches on "Old City Renewal" and the protection of historical and cultural resources at home and abroad are also summarized. The third chapter is the current situation and problems of Beihai Old City, analyzes the function of Beihai Old City, social and population, road, urban space status, summarizes the main problems facing the renewal of the Old City. Thus, it explains the urgency of further research on the scope of "historical city" in the renewal of the old city. The fourth chapter is the study of the definition of historical urban area. On the basis of the analysis of the limitation of the definition of historical urban area in Beihai famous city protection planning, the author draws lessons from the experience of Yantai and other modern historical and cultural cities in the protection of historical district. This paper puts forward the adjustment of the scope of "historical urban area" based on three principles: the evolution course of urban development, historical and cultural characteristics and value, and the present situation of historical resources. The fifth chapter is the North Sea old city renewal and the historical urban area protection research, on the basis of summarizing the Beihai old city renewal and the historical city protection present situation question, carries on the domestic ancient historical relic primarily the traditional city old city whole protection. A case study on the protection of historic urban areas in the renewal of historic and cultural cities of the modern historical and cultural cities. In the old cities of Beihai, key protection areas, general protected areas, and environmental coordination areas (old cities) have been designated, with emphasis on the protection and renovation of key protected areas. The protection and renewal of general protected areas, the control and development of environmental coordination areas, and the protection, control and adjustment strategies of historical resources, patterns and features, building height, urban space and land use are put forward. The sixth chapter is a summary, summarizes the Beihai Old City protection and renewal of historical urban protection research experience, and points out that the author needs further research content.


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