[Abstract]:In this paper, the elliptical domes of Suqian Canal Gymnasium are taken as the engineering background. On the basis of the previous research on shape optimization, the mesh generation, section optimization, cable force optimization and shape optimization are studied. The interaction between several factors, such as height optimization of strut, has been further studied, and an optimization program based on universal finite element method has been developed. By means of comparative study, the optimal structure scheme of ellipsoid dome with multiple factors is obtained, which can be used as the basis for the selection and design of this kind of structure. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the distribution of cable prestress and the section distribution of upper chord reticulated shell are closely related to the optimal shape of elliptical chord domes. The influence of these two factors on the optimization results can reach about 11.3. Therefore, in the shape optimization of ellipsoid domes, both cable force optimization and cross-section optimization must be considered. That is to say, the shape optimization method considering many factors is adopted. (2) considering many factors, the optimum shape obtained by the dome optimization is steeper than the one without section optimization. This is consistent with the stress mechanism of the dome. (3) under the same conditions, the meshing of the dome is different, and the optimized shape will be different. The fitting curve is parabola for the optimal shape of the ellipsoid equal-spaced toroidal domes. The fitting curve of the optimal shape of the Kewitt type and the rib ring type chord dome structure is quartic polynomial. (4) compared with the elliptical chordal dome, the ellipsoid domes are more plump at both ends of the long axis and more convenient for building use. By considering many factors, the amount of steel per square meter of elliptical domes is smaller than that of elliptical domes. Using ellipsoid instead of ellipse has some advantages. (5) the meshes of ellipsoid dome are divided into three types: equal spacing rib ring type, Kaiwitt type and rib ring type. The internal force distribution of the cable element of the chord dome is more uniform and reasonable, and the steel content is better than the other two meshing methods. The elliptical domes should be preferentially divided by equal-spacing ribbed ring meshes. (6) the height of the strut of the chord dome directly affects the supporting effect of the lower chord cable system on the upper dome, and has a great influence on the overall performance of the chordal dome. By optimizing the height of the strut, the mechanical performance of the structure can be improved and the amount of steel used in the dome can be reduced. The influence of the height of the brace must be considered in the optimum design of the dome. (7) the result of the optimization of the height of the brace indicates that: Cavette type, The spatial position of each ring stay cable should be basically parallel in three kinds of mesh-like dome structures of rib ring type and equal spacing rib ring type. The angle between strut and stay cable is between 70 and 80 degrees. (8) the optimum design of elliptic chord dome structure of background engineering type by taking into account a variety of factors shows that the amount of steel used in the division of equal spacing rib ring type is the least, followed by Cavette type. The rib ring type is the largest, in the similar projects, the equal space rib ring type should be selected first.
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