[Abstract]:Shenzhen is one of the earliest pilot cities in China. Through the review of Shenzhen's urban design practice for more than 30 years, it shows that Shenzhen has developed from its initial sensibility to rational construction of its system, and then to the exploration and practice of humanism and pluralism. In the aspect of urban design management, the emphasis is put on how to improve the legal standards and technical methods of urban design, and how to realize the control and guidance of "dual platform" between urban design and urban planning. The research and management of Shenzhen urban design has accumulated a great deal of practical experience, which is mainly reflected in four aspects: continuity of overall style and appearance structure, necessity and science of density zoning, guidance and control of public space and urban design in which citizens participate.
【作者单位】: 深圳市城市规划学会;深圳市城市设计规划研究院;
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