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发布时间:2019-02-10 18:47
[Abstract]:In this paper, the main factors influencing the process development of water supply plants in China are summarized, and the main problems that should be considered in the process selection of water supply plants are discussed. This paper introduces the general situation of the development of Maoming Binhai New area, the problems existing in the water supply system, puts forward the necessity of the construction of the water supply plant in the Binhai New area, and demonstrates the project scale, water source selection, site selection and process selection of the water supply plant. The process design and investment estimation of the water supply plant are also carried out. The construction of Maoming Binhai New area is an important development strategy of Guangdong Province and Maoming City. Maoming Binhai New area is in the great development opportunity, but the water supply facilities in Maoming Binhai New area are very imperfect, which restricts the development of the New area. In order to promote the rapid development of Maoming Binhai New area and improve the infrastructure construction, it is urgent to implement the water supply plant project of Maoming Binhai New area as soon as possible. The scope of service is: electric city area, Bohe Bay New City integrated service area, Bohe Town living area, Bohe holiday island area and Bohe Xingang area of domestic water. The recent design scale is 100000 m3 / d. The water sources of Hejiao Reservoir and Rutong River are of good water quality under normal conditions, but the water source of Hejiao Reservoir will appear the phenomenon of high algae in summer, and the water source of Rutong River will be high turbidity and sudden pollution in flood season. Due to the good quality of raw water under normal conditions, there is no advanced treatment process, only reserved land; in view of the phenomenon of high algae, potassium permanganate preoxidation process is adopted; the emergency measures of powdered activated carbon are set up to deal with sudden pollution accidents. Finally, the overall treatment process of water supply plant is "pretreatment routine treatment and disinfection" process. The water treatment structures of water treatment plant include: distribution well, mechanical mixing tank, folding plate flocculation tank, inclined tube sedimentation tank, back coagulation tank, V-type filter, clear water tank, water absorption well, water delivery pump room, chlorine adding room and dosing room; Sludge treatment includes: drain pool and backflow pump pool, sludge drain tank and sludge pump pool, sludge thickening tank and sludge dewatering workshop; ancillary buildings include: integrated office building, communication room and mechanical repair warehouse. Water plant covers an area of about 60 mu, estimated total investment of about 179.461 million yuan.


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