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发布时间:2019-02-14 17:37
[Abstract]:As an efficient energy production mode, cogeneration has been widely recognized and developed in China. But at present, most heat supply units are operated by "heat fixed power" mode. With the increase of power peak and valley difference year by year, the problem of insufficient peak-shaving capacity of thermal power plant is becoming more and more obvious. It is an urgent problem to ensure the heating quality and provide more peak-shaving capacity for the power grid. Starting from the conservation of mass and energy, the energy flow model of the main equipment in the heating system is established, and the model is appropriately simplified according to the operating characteristics of the actual system, assuming that the pipe network is already in the state of hydraulic balance. The parameters affecting the thermal dynamic characteristics of the system are emphatically considered. Based on the mathematical model, a complete simulation model of primary and secondary network heating system is established. The transmission delay and heat storage characteristics of the system are simulated and analyzed. Based on the characteristics of thermoelectric load variation, this paper puts forward the system operation regulation mode which can make thermoelectric units participate in power peak shaving, and the method to effectively improve the power peak shaving ability of heat supply units. The dynamic simulation of the primary pipe network is carried out. By changing the heat supply from the heat source, the transportation delay and heat storage characteristics of the primary pipe network are quantitatively analyzed. The results show that the flow of hot water in the pipeline is the main reason for the delay of transportation. When the heat supply of the heat source changes, the tube wall temperature changes more slowly than the hot water temperature. In this case, the tube wall can be used as a regenerator to store or release heat, slow down the change of water temperature and heat transfer, and thus affect the final heat load of the user. The dynamic simulation of the indoor thermal environment of the user is carried out, and the heat transfer process of the building enclosure structure and the inner heat storage body and indoor air is analyzed, and the results show that, Both of them can slow down the influence of outdoor temperature change and heating load change on indoor temperature. Based on the analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the primary and secondary heating systems, and on the basis of the quality regulation methods of the heating systems, two kinds of system operation and regulation schemes which can enable the thermal power units to participate in the power peak shaving are put forward. According to the load characteristics of different time periods and the coupling relationship between heat and electricity load of heating units, the heat supply in different periods is determined. The simulation results show that both schemes can effectively improve the peak-shaving capacity of heating units, and have little effect on the room temperature of heat users. Under the time-sharing price system, the peak-shaving operation mode can also increase the power generation income of the thermal power plant. The effectiveness and economy of the two schemes are verified.


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