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发布时间:2019-03-07 19:31
[Abstract]:With the reform and development of education in our country and the great investment of educational funds, the number of all kinds of colleges and universities is increasing day by day, and the scale of campus is also gradually becoming a trend. As with other construction projects, the planning of campus construction projects is the starting point and an important part of campus construction development, which is related to the expected effect of campus construction investment and the healthy and sustainable development of school education. The scientific evaluation of the planning scheme of campus construction project is an important link to ensure the expected investment effect of campus construction project. However, what aspects should be used to evaluate a school planning scheme with a certain scale and what method to evaluate is more scientific and reasonable, and it has not aroused extensive attention and in-depth research at present. It has resulted in the unscientific and unreasonable initial planning of some campus construction projects from time to time, which has led to secondary construction, repair and repair, and repeated investment, which has not only resulted in a waste of manpower and material resources. It also hinders the healthy and sustainable development of school education. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study how to scientifically and reasonably evaluate a campus construction project planning scheme. Firstly, based on the theory of comprehensive evaluation of campus planning and construction projects, the existing problems of campus planning are analyzed, and the necessity of campus planning evaluation is analyzed. Secondly, from the four dimensions of campus location, park function layout, architecture design and scheme implementation economy, the evaluation index system of campus construction project planning scheme with a certain scale is constructed. In order to ensure the objectivity and accuracy of the evaluation process and results, an evaluation model of campus construction project planning scheme based on index scale analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is selected in order to ensure the objectivity and accuracy of evaluation process and results. The necessary verification and analysis of the evaluation system is carried out. Finally, taking the campus construction project planning scheme of a university in Kunming as an example, the application research is carried out. An example is given to verify the rationality and feasibility of the evaluation system of campus construction project planning scheme, which provides some theoretical references for the research of campus planning and evaluation related fields.


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