[Abstract]:Beijing is not only a famous historical and cultural city, but also the function of the national capital. At the same time, the city is also struggling to move forward towards an international metropolis and a world city. This ancient and modern city has attracted more and more attention from the world, and the old city of Beijing, as the heart of Beijing, has attracted more and more attention. It not only inherits the tradition of the city, but also maps the future of Beijing. However, in the process of rapid urbanization, the ancient urban imprint of Beijing is becoming more and more blurred, and the rapid metropolis plan. Also let the new Beijing slowly pass away its unique cultural heritage and historical characteristics. This paper mainly stands in the urban space of the old city of Beijing, and makes a more systematic and complete field investigation and discussion on the color of the modern architecture of the old city of Beijing since the founding of the people's Republic of China, and compares and analyzes it through the urban color database. In conclusion, under the background of the overall protection of the old city in Beijing, this paper puts forward the color planning principles and suggestions of the modern building in the old city, so that the color of the urban architecture in the old city in Beijing can be harmonious and unified. It shows the color characteristics of historical city and modern development. In addition, according to the planning principle, the recommendation chromatography in different directions is put forward, and the practice and attempt of chromatographic application are carried out at the macro, meso and micro levels, respectively. It is hoped that through this study, it can basically clarify the inheritance relationship between Beijing's tradition, modern and future architectural color, and further guide the decoration, protection and construction of modern architecture in Beijing's old city in the future.
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