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发布时间:2019-06-11 02:08
[Abstract]:In 2014, the urbanization rate in China has reached 54.77%. With the rapid development of economy, the process of urbanization has not slowed down. Moreover, the urban construction of our country is still dominated by the functional zoning under the modernist urban planning theory. Under the condition of functional zoning, there is a relative lack of organic connections in each area of the city, and the production and housing of urban residents are usually separated. As a result, there are a lot of unnecessary energy, time, money costs. With the development of the city, the distance between people and the city is more open, and the spatial structure and functional structure are out of balance, which makes the city lose its organic vitality, lack the diversity and richness under the functional integration, and decrease the quality of life of the urban residents. It is not conducive to the sustainable development of the city. However, because human beings have the nature of pursuing the neighborhood of production and housing, the symbiotic residential community is developing in urban and rural areas, and the industrial structure is growing rapidly in the transformation of industrial structure. In particular, in these years, the cultural and creative industries have flourished, and there have been settlements formed by the spontaneous gathering of all kinds of cultural and creative professionals led by artists, and many creative places around the city have been opened up by them. And spontaneously build into a mixed functional settlement of symbiosis, because of the advantages of this residential paradigm, it is gradually favored by the outside world. However, the complexity and contradiction of human beings themselves, as well as the complex and intersecting functional factors caused by the mixing of production and housing, will bring some confusion to a certain extent without reasonable organization and efficient management. The crowd composition of cultural and creative settlements is also relatively complex, which brings hidden dangers to the harmonious development of settlements. Secondly, under the planning idea of functional zoning, the development system and management system of mixed functional settlement are also relatively lagging behind. For the existing cultural and creative settlements to a certain extent, the solutions to many problems are also relatively missing, and so on, these are the problems in the development of cultural and creative settlements. In order to explore the significance of mixed function to the city, this paper combines cultural and creative settlement with the development of mixed function, selects four different types of cultural and creative settlement, and analyzes it with typical samples. This paper studies the internal mechanism of the development and the organization of the mixed functional space, and puts forward the problems and strategies of the construction of the cultural and creative settlement as a whole, and presents it with a design case. For cultural and creative settlements, the composition of settlement space has a direct impact on the lives and work of residents, so it is very important to construct an efficient and reasonable spatial layout. For urban development, the development of cultural and creative settlements can promote the development of urban economy, and cultural and creative settlements can present a miniature urban concept, which can be used for reference to improve today's urban problems step by step.


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