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发布时间:2018-01-11 02:11

  本文关键词:我国劳动就业影响因素及其效应研究 出处:《山东财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 劳动就业 影响因素 固定效应变截距模型

【摘要】:本文归纳了国内外学者关于就业的相关文献,对影响劳动就业因素的相关理论进行了评述,并分析了影响劳动就业的八个因素的传导机制,在此基础上,本文利用2000-2012年31各省的相关数据测算了国内就业的差异,并运用固定效应变截距模型对影响劳动就业的各个因素进行了实证分析。 在对中国劳动就业现状分析中,本文认为政府解决就业政策起到了一定的积极效果,中国就业规模持续增加,就业结构也不断优化。虽然我国就业结构不断优化,但是中国仍然面临着巨大的就业压力,劳动力市场仍然面临很多问题,城镇失业人口规模不断增大,就业结构矛盾依然存在,劳动力结构性短缺现象严重。此外,通过对地区就业现状的分析表明,东部地区就业人数比中部地区和西部地区就业人数都要高,,且在就业人数增长率方面东部地区也是最高的,地区间的就业差异在增大。 本文循着“提出问题—分析问题—解决问题”的研究路线,综合运用比较分析法以及实证分析法等多种研究方法,运用固定效应变截距模型实证方法探讨了影响劳动就业因素及其效应。研究发现:财政支出、城镇化率、固定资产投资、工业化率、人均可支配收入、产业结构、技术进步、外商直接投资等因素对就业均存在显著影响,其中,城市化率、技术进步水平、人均可支配收入对劳动就业存在负向的影响效应,而财政支出、固定资产投资、工业化率、产业结构、技术进步、外商直接投资对劳动就业存在正向的促进作用。从各地区就业差异的固定系数来看,东西部地区差异较为明显。
[Abstract]:This paper summarizes the relevant literature of domestic and foreign scholars on employment, comments on the relevant theories of the factors affecting labor employment, and analyzes the transmission mechanism of the eight factors that affect the employment of labor, on the basis of which. Based on the data of 31 provinces from 2000 to 2012, this paper calculates the employment difference in China, and uses the fixed effect variable intercept model to analyze the factors that affect the employment of labor. In the analysis of the present situation of China's labor employment, this paper thinks that the government's employment policy has played a certain positive effect, and the employment scale in China continues to increase. Although China's employment structure is constantly optimized, China is still facing enormous employment pressure, the labor market is still facing a lot of problems, and the scale of urban unemployed population is increasing. The employment structure contradiction still exists, the labor force structural shortage phenomenon is serious. In addition, through the analysis of the regional employment situation, the employment in the eastern region is higher than that in the central region and the western region. And the employment growth rate in the eastern region is also the highest, the employment gap between regions is increasing. This paper follows the research route of "posing problem-analyzing problem-solving problem", and synthetically applies comparative analysis method and empirical analysis method and other research methods. Using fixed effect variable intercept model, this paper discusses the factors affecting labor employment and its effects. The research finds that: fiscal expenditure, urbanization rate, fixed asset investment, industrialization rate, per capita disposable income. Industrial structure, technological progress, foreign direct investment and other factors have a significant impact on employment. Among them, urbanization rate, technological progress level, per capita disposable income has a negative impact on labor employment. However, fiscal expenditure, fixed asset investment, industrialization rate, industrial structure, technological progress and foreign direct investment have positive effects on labor employment. The difference between east and west area is obvious.


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