本文关键词:基于消费者质量安全认知的乳品质量影响因素研究 出处:《上海海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:我国的乳制品行业在政府的重视和支持之下,经过30多年的发展,取得了令人瞩目的成就,牛奶和乳制品的总量不断增长,乳品人均占有量不断翻番,各种花色的乳制品也不断丰富。乳产品已成为人们生活继粮食、蔬菜、肉类等之后的又一必需食品。乳品行业的快速发展,更成为农业发展的热点。不仅带动了奶牛饲养业、饲草种植业、饲料业的发展,也促进了运输业、制造业、包装印刷业及零售业等一系列相关产业的发展。而且在解决“三农”问题、促进农民增收、拉动内需等方面做出了突出贡献。作为我国农业产业化龙头企业的代表,乳品企业的发展状况备受关注。 然而近年来基于现今媒体网络的发展,一种现象不断涌入人们的新闻视角,食品质量安全问题频频曝光,大头娃娃、三聚氰胺、“穿越奶”、皮革奶、酸败奶等等,时不时的冒出来的乳品质量事件吓得消费者人心惶惶,迫不得已花费高价纷纷转向洋奶粉的货架。民以食为天,食以乳为先,乳品质量不仅关系到人们的健康,生命的安全,也关系到民族工业的发展,农业产业化的进程。中国乳业在经历了信任危机后,,消费者最关注的是牛奶可不可以放心喝;而企业最关心的是如何重拾消费者的信心,重塑品牌;提升和改善乳品质量已经迫在眉睫! 本文分别从背景上阐述了乳品的由来、作用以及我国乳业的发展史,在肯定了我国乳业近些年来所取得的显著成绩的同时,提出我国乳业的发展空间大、前景好,是一个朝阳产业。但是现下许多中国父母仍然把目光投向了洋品牌,信不过国产乳品,最近,又有消息传出生产牛奶过程中添加牛尿,用奶粉冲对液态奶未加标注等问题,足见乳制品在生产的过程中仍然存在着的许多质量隐患。接下来就消费者对包括乳制品在内的农产品质量安全认知情况进行了相关的实地调查,搜集并整理了相关数据,简单分析后发现消费者对农产品的质量安全情况大都比较关心和关注,在购买乳制品的时候,主要考虑产品的生产日期即新鲜度,还有乳品的营养价值、成分等,足见消费者对乳品质量的关心和重视程度。就奶源建设滞后、原奶质量不稳,检测标准和技术水平落后,以及行业监管缺失,企业滥用添加剂、管理不善等情况,我们本着客观理性的原则,分析讨论了问题存在的原因,主观上不少乳品企业经营者法律观念淡薄,诚信意识差,过于片面的追求经济利益,背离消费者的本位,置法律道德于不顾。客观上法律建设不足,标准体系落后,企业细节管理不到位等原因也促使了乳品质量上的安全隐患。接下来具体阐述了回归消费者本位,乳品质量提升的对策和建议,提出要加强奶源建设,从源头上保证原奶的质量;另外加强企业道德建设,回归消费者本位,诚信经营,才能谋求长远发展;并提出要加强企业质量管理体系的建设,在质量上下功夫,同时注重细节管理,完善企业问责制等等,希望能对乳品质量的提升和改进有所帮助,早日进入到良性的运作轨道上来。
[Abstract]:China's dairy industry under the government's attention and support, after 30 years of development, has made remarkable achievements, the total amount of milk and dairy products is growing, dairy products per capita has doubled, dairy products of various colors have been constantly enriched. Dairy products have become the people's life following the grain, vegetables, meat, etc. after the necessary food. The rapid development of dairy industry, but also become a hot spot of agricultural development. Not only led to the dairy industry, forage planting industry, the development of feed industry, but also promote the transportation, manufacturing, packaging and printing industry and the retail industry and a series of related industries. And in solving the "three rural" problem, increase farmers' income, have made outstanding contributions to stimulating domestic demand. As a representative of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in our country, the development status of dairy enterprises concern.
However, in recent years based on the development of today's media network, a continuous influx of people from the perspective of the phenomenon of news, food quality and safety issues frequently exposed, taitouwawa, melamine, "through milk, leather milk, milk rancidity and so on, from time to time to take out the dairy quality event scared consumers jittery, forced to spend high prices have turned to the ocean milk on the shelves. Hunger breeds discontentment, fresh milk, dairy quality is not only related to people's health and life safety, but also related to the development of national industry, the process of agricultural industrialization. Chinese dairy experienced a crisis of confidence, consumers are most concerned about the milk can drink and enterprise; the most concern is how to regain consumer confidence, rebuild the brand; promotion and improvement of dairy quality is imminent!
This paper expounds the origin of dairy products from the background, and China's dairy industry development history, in the dairy industry in China has made remarkable achievements in recent years. At the same time, it puts forward the development of China's dairy industry, good prospects, is a sunrise industry. But now many parents still look to Chinese foreign brands, domestic dairy products recently, but the letter, and the news came out to add cow urine in the process of producing milk, milk powder used for liquid milk without labeling and other issues, which shows many quality problems of dairy products in the production process still exist. Then the consumers on the quality and safety of dairy products, including agricultural knowledge the product has carried on the on-the-spot investigation related to the collection and collation of relevant data, simple analysis found that consumers on the quality and safety of agricultural products are more concerned about and attention, in the purchase of dairy products. When the main consideration of the production date is the freshness and nutritional value of dairy products, and other ingredients, which shows consumers of dairy quality care and attention. The milk source construction is lagging behind, the quality of raw milk is not steady, detection standard and backward technology, and the lack of industry regulation, corporate mismanagement and other abuse additives. We have the spirit of objective, rational principle, analysis and discussion of the causes of problems, many dairy enterprises operators subjective sense of legal integrity, poor awareness of one-sided pursuit of economic interests, deviate from the consumer standard, the moral law ignored. Lack of legal construction objective, standard system lags behind, also contributed to the security risks the quality of dairy products enterprises on the details of the management is not in place and other reasons. Then illustrates the return of consumer based, dairy quality improvement measures and suggestions, put forward to strengthen the construction of milk And to ensure the quality of raw milk from the source; in addition to strengthen the moral construction of enterprises, return to the consumer based, integrity management, to seek long-term development; and put forward to strengthen the construction of enterprise quality management system, the quality of work, and pay attention to the details of management, improve corporate accountability and so on, hoping to enhance and improve the quality of dairy products help as soon as possible into the track of benign operation.
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