本文选题:服务业开放 切入点:国际分工地位 出处:《江苏行政学院学报》2015年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In the face of the "new normal" after profound changes in the domestic and international environment, the development of China's open economy is facing severe challenges, and the status of international division of labor needs to be promoted. One of the important ideas to solve the above problems is to open up the service industry wider to the outside world. To expand the opening up of the service industry and to promote the development of the service industry are both conducive to promoting the international division of labor. Service exports are a direct manifestation and reflection of the specialization of the division of labor in a wider global scope. Service imports, especially producer services, use foreign capital. It not only contributes directly to the development of our service industry, but also plays an important role in pushing up the global value chain of China's manufacturing industry through the mechanism of association and spillover. This paper empirically tests the realistic effect of the opening up of the service industry on the promotion of the international division of labor. Under the background of the relatively insufficient openness of the service industry in China, the "globalization" and "fragmentation" of the service industry have become the "new normal" of the current economic globalization. It is necessary to further expand the opening up of the service industry so as to promote the development of our service industry and thus lead the high-end development of the manufacturing industry so as to enhance the position of our country's international division of labor.
【作者单位】: 安徽财经大学国贸学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金青年项目“我国服务出口复杂度变迁及提升问题研究”(14CJY055) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目“服务贸易发展促进长三角国际分工地位提升研究”(2013M530809) 江苏省社科联决策咨询基地重点项目“扩大江苏服务业对外开放的路径与对策”(14SSL09)的资助
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