本文选题:武汉市 + 居住空间 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:作为组成城市空间结构的两个核心要素,居住与就业的空间分布及其相互作用的因果关系对于解构城市空间结构的形成与演变具有重要现实意义。 改革开放以来,我国城市居住与就业的空间结构发产生了深刻的演变,作为我国中部的重要城市,在城市空间结构重构的大背景下,武汉市的城市空间出现了巨大的变革。开展以实证为主的武汉市居住与就业空间分布及相互作用的研究,对于进一步认识武汉城市空间结构的发展演化,了解城市发展动力机制、优化城市空间组织结构有重要意义,同时也有助于更好地贯彻落实总体规划中建设“宜居城市”和“创业城市”的目标要求。 全文由七个部分组成: 第一部分为绪论,主要包括本文的研究背景、目的及内容。第二部分介绍本文研究的基础。第三部在总结武汉市城市空间演变的基础上,从时间角度归纳出武汉市居住与就业空间分布的历史演变过程、特征及动力机制。第四部分从空间角度分圈层研究居住与就业的空间布局现状以及扩散趋势,发现居住与就业均出现向郊区扩散的现象。第五部分是就业与居住空间相互作用研究。在前文研究的基础上,这部分首先通过对武汉市2007-2011年就业与居住的人口数据分区、分圈层两个尺度进行异速增长模型模拟,测度在扩散过程中居住和就业人口增长是否同步,进而通过对三个圈层的博内特模型模拟进一步揭示武汉市在郊区化背景下居住与就业空间相互作用的因果关系。第六部分归纳武汉市目前居住与就业空间分布对于城市发展的影响,并提出建议减少对城市发展的不利影响。最后一部分,总结全文得出的主要结论以及存在的不足之处。 结论表明:居住人口空间分布上呈现出中心集中、近郊组团、远郊分散的布局形态。并且处于郊区化的过程中,形成中心填充外围扩散的态势。就业人口形成了从老城区向外围新城区、远城区递减的趋势。在居住和就业扩散过程中出现不同步的现象,新城区成为就业和居住活动最为活跃的区域,存在着居住和就业双向引导的因果关系。根据居住与就业的空间分布及相互作用的关系,总结对城市发展的影响,并从改善交通状况、完善配套基础设施和优化空间结构和产业结构等三个方面提出对策缓解城市郊区化过程中产生的问题。
[Abstract]:As two core elements of urban spatial structure, the spatial distribution of residence and employment and the causality of their interaction are of great practical significance in deconstructing the formation and evolution of urban spatial structure.Since the reform and opening up, the spatial structure of urban residence and employment in China has undergone a profound evolution. As an important city in the central part of China, under the background of the reconstruction of urban spatial structure, the urban space of Wuhan has undergone tremendous changes.The research on the spatial distribution and interaction between residence and employment in Wuhan is of great significance to further understand the evolution of Wuhan urban spatial structure, to understand the dynamic mechanism of urban development, and to optimize the urban spatial organizational structure.At the same time, it also helps to implement the goal of "livable city" and "entrepreneurial city" in the master plan.The full text consists of seven parts:The first part is the introduction, including the research background, purpose and content of this paper.The second part introduces the basis of this study.On the basis of summarizing the urban spatial evolution of Wuhan, the third part sums up the historical evolution process, characteristics and dynamic mechanism of the spatial distribution of residence and employment in Wuhan from the perspective of time.In the fourth part, the spatial distribution and diffusion trend of residence and employment are studied from the angle of space, and it is found that both residence and employment spread to the suburbs.The fifth part is the study of the interaction between employment and living space.On the basis of the previous research, this part firstly simulates the growth model of different speed by dividing the population data of employment and residence in Wuhan from 2007 to 2011, and measures whether the growth of resident and employed population is synchronous in the process of diffusion.Furthermore, through the simulation of three layers of Bonnet model, the causality of the interaction between residence and employment space in Wuhan is further revealed in the context of suburbanization.The sixth part summarizes the influence of the spatial distribution of residence and employment on the urban development in Wuhan, and puts forward some suggestions to reduce the adverse effects on the urban development.The last part summarizes the main conclusions and shortcomings.The results show that the spatial distribution of resident population is centralized, with groups in the suburbs and scattered in the suburbs.And in the process of suburbanization, the formation of the center filled the peripheral diffusion situation.The employed population has formed a decreasing trend from the old urban area to the outer new urban area.In the process of residence and employment diffusion, the phenomenon is out of step. The new urban area is the most active area of employment and residential activities, and there exists a causal relationship between residence and employment.Based on the spatial distribution and interaction between residence and employment, the effects on urban development are summarized, and the traffic conditions are improved.To improve the supporting infrastructure and optimize the spatial structure and industrial structure, the countermeasures are put forward to alleviate the problems in the process of suburbanization.
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