本文选题:城中村 + 城中村改造 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:城中村是伴随我国城市化发展进程中所特有的一种现象,是城市化发展不平衡、水平低的集中体现。城中村在为扩展城市发展空间、缓解外来人口住房压力做出贡献的同时,也给城市的经济、文化、社会、生态等方面带来一系列问题,严重影响城市形象和品位的提升,制约人民生活水平和质量的改善,成为城市管理者的“心病”。因此,为促进我国经济社会的良性健康发展,必须对城中村进行治理和改造。 通过阅览大量国内和国外关联文献资料,本文对城中村、城中村改造的相关概念和理论知识等进行了系统梳理。对寿光市的城中村现状及改造情况进行了调查分析,并以圣城街道屯田村为典型案例,,着重指出了其改造过程中存在的问题,同时结合深圳、珠海、潍坊等城市的改造经验,提出了促进寿光市城中村改造顺利进行的原则、模式及建议措施,为寿光市政府进行城中村改造提供一些有价值的参考,促进改造工作又好又快完成、人民的生活水平和质量显著提升,实现经济、社会及生态效益的同步共建。 本文针对寿光市城中村改造中存在的诸如村民认识不足、拆迁难度大、规划缺乏整体科学性、资金压力大以及安置困难等问题,提出了将“人”纳入城中村改造中来的观点,即要以是否保障村民的合法权益作为衡量改造工作成败的首要标准,要以提高村民的生活水平、促进城乡的有效融合作为改造的根本目的。在具体的改造工作中可以采取以下措施:一是加大宣传力度,提高思想认识;二是层层签订协议,依法和谐拆迁;三是边改造边完善,高标准制定规划方案;四是拓宽融资渠道,确保资金投入;五是探索保障举措,维护村民利益。寿光作为著名的蔬菜之乡和全国百强县之一,其城市化发展在小城市小城镇中具有显著的代表性,本文通过对其城中村改造问题进行研究,可以进一步拓宽和加深城中村研究领域,对小城市小城镇的城市化发展提供一定的指导借鉴。
[Abstract]:The village in the city is a special phenomenon in the process of urbanization development in China. It is a concentrated embodiment of the imbalance and low level of urbanization development. While contributing to the expansion of the urban development space and alleviating the housing pressure of the foreign population, the villages in the city also bring about a series of problems in the economic, cultural, social and ecological aspects of the city, which seriously affect the promotion of the image and taste of the city. Restrict the improvement of people's living standard and quality, become the "heart of city administrator". Therefore, in order to promote the healthy development of our country's economy and society, we must manage and transform the villages in cities. Through reading a large number of domestic and foreign related literature, this paper systematically combs the concepts and theoretical knowledge of urban villages and their transformation. This paper makes an investigation and analysis on the present situation and renovation situation of Shouguang City's villages in the city, and takes the village of opening up fields in the streets of the Holy City as a typical case, emphatically points out the problems existing in the process of reconstruction, and combines the experiences of the transformation of Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Weifang, and other cities, such as Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Weifang, etc. The paper puts forward the principles, models and suggested measures to promote the transformation of villages in Shouguang City. It provides some valuable references for the government of Shouguang City to carry out the transformation of villages in cities, and promotes the reconstruction work to be completed quickly and well. The people's living standards and quality have improved significantly, and economic, social and ecological benefits have been built in tandem. Aiming at the problems existing in the reconstruction of villages in Shouguang City, such as the lack of understanding of villagers, the difficulty of demolition, the lack of overall scientific planning, the great pressure of capital and the difficulty of resettlement, this paper puts forward the viewpoint that "people" should be included in the reconstruction of villages in the city. That is to say whether to protect the legitimate rights and interests of villagers as the first criterion to measure the success or failure of the transformation to improve the living standards of villagers and to promote the effective integration of urban and rural areas as the fundamental purpose of the transformation. The following measures can be taken in the specific reconstruction work: first, to strengthen propaganda and improve ideological understanding; second, to sign agreements at various levels and to remove and remove according to law; third, to improve and improve the plan while reforming and improving, and to formulate planning programs with high standards; Fourth, broaden financing channels to ensure investment; fifth, explore measures to safeguard the interests of villagers. Shouguang, as a famous vegetable town and one of the top 100 counties in China, has a remarkable representative of its urbanization development in small cities and towns. It can further broaden and deepen the research field of the village in the city, and provide some guidance for the urbanization development of the small town in the small city.
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