发布时间:2018-06-04 14:11
本文选题:生态效率 + 城镇化 ; 参考:《云南大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:当前中国进入城镇化与工业化快速发展阶段,经济快速增长。与此同时,中国的能源消费急剧增加,能源已成为影响中国经济增长的重要因素。目前,我国处于城镇化深入发展的关键时期,深入探讨城镇化与经济发展、能源消费三者之间的关系,对实现中国城镇化达到和谐宜人、生态低碳的目标具有重要意义。 本研究引入生态效率这个概念,将城镇化、经济发展、资源环境三者的关系转变为城镇化水平与生态效率高低之间的关系,用生态效率度量城镇化过程中的资源环境成本。以中国统计年鉴、中国能源统计年鉴及各个省份的统计年鉴为资料来源,对中国国家层面、省级层面城镇化与生态效率的阶段性特征进行分类归纳。然后在国家层面、区域层面、省份层面运用统计软件对城镇化、生态效率进行历时性与共时性计算和比较,最后得出如下研究结论: 1952-2012年,中国整体城镇化与生态效率呈现显著的正相关性。二者得到回归方程:y=3.332x—0.527(y=中国生态效率、x=中国城镇化率),生态效率随着城镇化率的提高而提高。1949—1957年,中国城镇化与生态效率呈现负相关关系。1958-1977年,城镇化与生态效率均止步不前,二者没有相关性。改革开放后,中国城镇化与生态效率不断发展提高,二者呈现显著正相关关系。 中国四大区域(东部、中部、西部、东北部)的城镇化与生态效率呈现显著正相关关系,省级层面城镇化与生态效率也呈明显的正相关性。城镇化率越高的区域,对应的生态效率也就越高,城镇化率越低的区域对应的生态效率越低。但东北地区由于计划经济的影响,不符合这个规律。 市场化经济发展要遵循城镇发展的客观规律。这样,城镇化对生态效率的促进作用才能正常发挥。政治干预与计划经济下的城镇化,不能带来高水平的生态效率与高水平的城镇化质量。生态效率可成为考量城镇化过程健康程度的重要指标。
[Abstract]:At the same time , China ' s energy consumption has increased sharply , and energy has become an important factor affecting China ' s economic growth . At present , our country is in the key period of the in - depth development of China ' s urbanization .
This paper introduces the concept of ecological efficiency , and transforms the relationship between urbanization , economic development and resource environment into the relationship between urbanization level and ecological efficiency .
In 1952 - 2012 , China ' s overall urbanization and ecological efficiency were positively correlated . The regression equation : y = 3.332x - 0.527 ( y = Chinese ecological efficiency , x = China ' s urbanization rate ) , ecological efficiency increased with the increase of urbanization rate .
The urbanization and ecological efficiency of the four regions of China ( east , central , western and north - east ) are positively correlated , and the urbanization and ecological efficiency at the provincial level are positively correlated . The higher the urbanization rate , the higher the corresponding ecological efficiency , the lower the ecological efficiency of the region with lower urbanization rate . However , the lower the urbanization rate , the lower the ecological efficiency , the lower the urbanization rate , the lower the eco - efficiency of the region corresponding to the lower urbanization rate .
The market - oriented economic development should follow the objective law of town development . In this way , the promotion of urbanization to ecological efficiency can play a normal role . Political interference and urbanization under the planned economy can not bring a high level of ecological efficiency and high level of urbanization quality . Ecological efficiency can be an important indicator considering the health degree of urbanization process .
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