本文选题:物流城 + 风险管理 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper combines the research practice of the construction project of Deheng Trade and Trade Logistics City with the theory of project risk management, carries on the risk management research to this project. Firstly, the theory of risk management of the project is elaborated in detail. Secondly, the background, necessity, implementation plan and schedule of the project are analyzed in depth. On this basis, the various risks encountered in the project are identified. Find out the main risk factors that affect the development of the project; then use various methods to evaluate the risk factors; finally, according to the risk situation of each stage, put forward the risk treatment plan and monitoring measures, The paper summarizes the risk management of this project, and points out the limitations of the research and the research direction in the future. Through the research on the risk management of the construction project of Deheng commercial logistics city, this paper is helpful to perfect the theory of project risk management, enhance the application and maneuverability of the theory of project risk management, and can be used for similar research in the future. Especially for construction projects, to provide a good reference. This paper can provide scientific guidance for the construction of Teheng Trade and Trade Logistics City, which will help to control the risks of the construction of THEHeng Trade and Trade Logistics City comprehensively and effectively, and realize the expected economic, environmental and social benefits. To overcome the shortcomings of risk management after the implementation of the project, to ensure the smooth progress of the project, and to give greater play to the thinking of risk management, and further improve the efficiency of project implementation.
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