本文选题:供热工程 + 项目管理 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:供热工程主要包括热源、主支干线、供热站、户线管网等工程。供热根据热源可分为热电联产的集中供热、区域锅炉房供热、分散小锅炉房供热等形式。吉林市热力集团有限公司供热工程(以下简称供热工程)主要由五方面构成:利用日元贷款建设工程(以下简称日贷工程),公司基建工程,公司大修技改及单户改造工程、常规检修工程,新入网工程,热计量工程。 近几年,由于吉林市城市发展建设步伐的加快,楼房建设每年大幅增加,供热需求量逐年上升。根据吉林市市区发展规划,每年将新增供热面积近500万平方米,这样的发展速度,要求市区的供热设施,尤其是集中供热必须有一个同步的发展。而市区现有的集中供热能力远远满足不了城市发展的需求,存在着管网覆盖小、管道老化、腐蚀严重等一系列问题。只有通过改造、扩建,进一步扩大市区集中供热规模,提高热源供热能力,,才能满足市区内发展建设的需要。因此通过供热工程的建设才能够使企业不断地发展壮大,才能保障用户的冬季正常供热效果。为此对供热工程项目管理研究显得尤为重要,依据国家相应的政策、法规,结合公司发展战略及内部条件,做好企业项目管理研究,可以找到适合我公司的项目管理,并制定相应的制度和保障措施,保证项目管理的持续、有效的发展。 对于项目管理的相关理论知识的研究,对供热工程的项目管理现状进行分析,结合集团公司的整体发展战略规划,依据国家相关政策法规、规章制度,项目的成本控制、进度管理、质量管理等重要内容进行分析。综合这些分析,找出供热工程目前项目管理方面存在的问题。分析供热工程项目管理存在问题的原因及解决办法,保证供热工程顺利实施,从而实现企业的发展战略目标。
[Abstract]:Heating engineering mainly includes heat source, main branch trunk line, heating station, household line pipe network and so on. Heating according to heat source can be divided into cogeneration heating, district boiler room heating, scattered small boiler room heating and so on. The heating project of Jilin Thermal Power Group Co., Ltd. mainly consists of five aspects: the use of yen The loan construction project (hereinafter referred to as the daily loan project), the company infrastructure project, the company overhaul technical reform and the single household renovation project, the routine maintenance project, the new net entry project, the heat metering project.
In recent years, due to the quickening pace of urban development and construction in Jilin, the construction of buildings has increased greatly every year, and the demand for heating is rising year by year. According to the urban development plan of Jilin, the heating area will be added to nearly 5 million square meters per year. This development speed requires that the urban heating facilities, especially the central heating, have a synchronous development. The existing central heating capacity in urban area can not meet the needs of urban development. There are a series of problems, such as small coverage of the pipe network, aging of pipelines, serious corrosion and so on. Only through transformation, expansion, further expansion of the urban central heating scale and improving the heat supply capacity of the heat source, it can meet the needs of urban development and construction. The construction of the project can make the enterprise develop and expand continuously to ensure the normal heating effect of the user in winter. Therefore, it is particularly important for the research of heat supply project management. According to the relevant policies and regulations of the state, combining the development strategy and internal conditions of the company, the research of enterprise project management can be done to find the suitable item for our company. Project management, and formulate corresponding systems and safeguards to ensure sustained and effective development of project management.
This paper analyzes the relevant theoretical knowledge of project management, analyzes the current situation of the project management of heating engineering, combined with the overall development strategic planning of the group company, analyzes the important contents of the relevant state policies and regulations, rules and regulations, the cost control of the project, the schedule management, and the quality management, and combines these analyses to find the heating workers. The problems existing in the project management at present are analyzed. The reasons and solutions of the problems existing in the heat supply project management are analyzed in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the heat supply project, thus realizing the strategic goal of the development of the enterprise.
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