本文选题:员工流失 + 员工忠诚度 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文的研究目的在于结合秦皇岛兴龙地产员工忠诚度的深入调查,构建了秦皇岛兴龙地产员工忠诚度影响因素指标体系,同时还引入了AHP方法对其进行了重要性排序,,以此找出关键影响因素并提出相应对策。根据文章特点,本文采取调查研究和资料分析、对比分析方法、理论分析与实证分析相结合的研究方法。 首先,论文对研究所涉及到的忠诚、员工忠诚及其他相关理论等相关理论进行回顾,明确了忠诚、员工忠诚等核心概念的含义,详细阐述了需求层次论、双因素理论、公平理论等相关理论,为本文研究奠定了坚实的理论基础。其次,简要介绍了秦皇岛兴龙地产概况,对公司员工基本情况作了重点分析,并进行了实地调研,在此基础上深度剖析了秦皇岛兴龙地产员工的工作满意度和忠诚度。再次,构建了秦皇岛兴龙地产员工忠诚度影响因素判别的指标体系,引入了AHP方法并结合相关数学模型与方法对秦皇岛兴龙地产员工忠诚度影响因素进行了数量分析,找出影响秦皇岛兴龙地产员工忠诚度的主要影响因素。最后,基于建立科学合理的薪酬体系、构建公平合理的绩效考评制度、加强企业文化建设、完善相关法律法规等多个维度提出了提升员工忠诚度的对策建议。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to establish an index system of the influencing factors of Qinhuangdao Xinglong real estate staff loyalty, and to introduce AHP method to rank the importance of the staff loyalty in Qinhuangdao Xinglong Real Estate, which is based on the in-depth investigation of the employee loyalty of Qinhuangdao Xinglong Real Estate. In order to find out the key factors and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. According to the characteristics of the article, this paper adopts the methods of investigation and data analysis, comparative analysis, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis. The related theories such as employee loyalty and other related theories are reviewed, the meaning of the core concepts of loyalty and employee loyalty is clarified, and the relevant theories such as demand hierarchy theory, two-factor theory, fair theory and so on are elaborated in detail. It lays a solid theoretical foundation for this study. Secondly, the paper briefly introduces the general situation of Qinhuangdao Xinglong real estate, analyzes the basic situation of the company's employees, and carries on the field investigation, and on this basis deeply analyzes the Qinhuangdao Xinglong real estate employees' job satisfaction and loyalty. Thirdly, the paper constructs the index system of influencing factors of Qinhuangdao Xinglong real estate employee loyalty, introduces AHP method and combines the relevant mathematical model and method to analyze the factors of Qinhuangdao Xinglong real estate employee loyalty. Find out the Qinhuangdao Xinglong real estate staff loyalty to the main factors. Finally, based on the establishment of a scientific and reasonable compensation system, the construction of a fair and reasonable performance appraisal system, the strengthening of corporate culture construction, the improvement of relevant laws and regulations, and other dimensions, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to enhance employee loyalty.
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