发布时间:2018-06-25 12:10
本文选题:食品安全 + 监管 ; 参考:《燕山大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:“民以食为天,食以安为先”,安全又有保障的食品有益于人民群众的身体健康。但是,近年来频发的食品安全恶性事件使人们不禁要问,究竟是无良商家的道德缺失还是政府部门的监管不力造成的。面对屡查屡犯的食品安全问题,国家在2013年3月新一轮大部制改革中,对食品安全监管部门进行了职责整合,组建国家食品药品监督管理总局。本文的研究重点—河北省三河市亦跟随国家大部制改革的步伐,对该市食品生产、流通、消费环节的监管职责进行整合。此次职责整合无疑会一改以往“九龙治水”的局面,,有效减少监管中存在的职能交叉和重复监管现象,但是,破解中国食品安全监管的困局,绝不仅仅只是职能的整合就能解决的。 本文采用文献分析法、问卷调查法与实地调研法相结合的方法,对三河市消费者的生活购买习惯和食品安全知识等方面进行调查,并在大部制改革前后分别对三河市食品安全现状进行调查,发现在实际监管中仍存在“四小行业”经营者素质偏低、法律法规不健全、消费者食品安全知识匮乏以及有限准入监管理念不适合当地市场等问题。 本文通过对三河市食品市场监管中存在的问题及原因进行分析,探讨了完善三河市食品安全监管的对策,认为若想走出食品安全监管困局,首先需要对消费者及食品生产经营企业进行食品安全知识普及和道德宣扬;其次,加强《食品安全法》的执行性并出台与该法律相配套的地方性法规;再次,政府需要对食品市场进行常态化监管,这需要打破有限准入的政府与市场关系,转变对无证小作坊和“取证”食品企业的监管方式,在监管部门内部建立食品安全监管责任到人制度;最后,良好运作的政府与市场关系赖于一个健康的社会,引入公民参与到对食品安全的监管之中,并充分发挥新闻媒体和行业协会的监督作用,建立起三河市多元主体监管模式。
[Abstract]:The food safety and security are beneficial to the health of the people. However, the frequent food safety incidents in recent years make people ask whether the moral loss of the unscrupulous merchants or the supervision of the government department is ineffective. In the new round of large-scale reform in March 2013, the responsibility integration of food safety supervision department was integrated and the State Administration of food and drug administration was formed. The focus of this article - Sanhe in Hebei province also followed the pace of the reform of the national major system, and integrated the responsibility of the supervision of the food production, circulation and consumption links in the city. The integration will undoubtedly change the situation of "Kowloon water treatment" and effectively reduce the overlapping and duplication of supervision in the supervision, but it is not only the integration of functions that can be solved to solve the problem of China's food safety supervision.
Using the method of literature analysis, questionnaire survey and field investigation, this paper investigates the habits of Sanhe consumers' living purchase and the knowledge of food safety, and investigates the status of food safety in Sanhe before and after the reform of the major system. It is found that there are still "four small industries" in the actual supervision. The quality of people is low, laws and regulations are not perfect, consumers' knowledge of food safety is scarce, and the concept of limited access control is not suitable for local market.
Through the analysis of the problems and reasons in the food market supervision in Sanhe, this paper discusses the countermeasures to improve the supervision of food safety in Sanhe. It is believed that if we want to get out of the food safety supervision, we need to popularize the knowledge of food safety and promote the moral awareness of the consumers and the food production and management enterprises; secondly, to strengthen the food safety. The implementation of the whole law and the implementation of local laws and regulations supporting the law. Again, the government needs to regulate the food market regularly. It needs to break the relationship between the limited access government and the market, change the supervision mode of the small workshops and the "proof" food enterprises, and establish the responsibility of food safety supervision within the supervision department. In the end, the good operation of the government and the market depends on a healthy society, the introduction of citizen participation in the supervision of food safety, and the full play of the supervisory role of the media and industry associations, and the establishment of a multi subject supervision model in Sanhe.
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