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发布时间:2018-08-20 08:30
[Abstract]:In the new period of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, according to the new requirements of scientific development in the new period, Jiangsu Province put forward a new urbanization strategy of integration of urban and rural development. With the gradual consumption of population dividend and institutional dividend in Jiangsu Province, how to make use of the opportunity of adjusting the industrial structure in Jiangsu Province, and fully release the reform dividend, so as to better construct the sustainable development road of new urbanization. Become a new topic of theoretical research. Under this background, from the three angles of defining the connotation of new urbanization in Jiangsu Province, influencing factors and forecasting the prospect of new urbanization, this paper defines the reasonable range of development quality and speed of new urbanization. The new urbanization research framework is helpful to enrich and expand the new urbanization development theory and provide an effective analysis tool for the systematic study of the new urbanization sustainable development. The article first defines the connotation of new urbanization in Jiangsu Province. Then according to Hollis Chanari's theory of "development mode", the author makes a comparative analysis of the development level of new urbanization in Jiangsu Province, and makes a preliminary judgment on the level of new urbanization in Jiangsu Province at present. Secondly, this paper selects four primary indicators of industrial structure, science and technology education, population structure and infrastructure, and on this basis, divides them into 10 secondary indicators, such as economic development, to analyze the influencing factors of new urbanization in Jiangsu Province. Then, using panel data of Jiangsu Province from 1990 to 2012, using principal component analysis (PCA) and generalized least square estimation (GLS), this paper empirically analyzes the influencing factors of new urbanization in Jiangsu Province. Thus, quantitative analysis is made on the new urbanization level and its influencing factors in Jiangsu Province. After the above theoretical analysis and empirical test, the paper constructs a mathematical model and uses the time series prediction method to predict the trend of the new urbanization development level in Jiangsu Province in the future. In order to more intuitively put forward more targeted and more reasonable suggestions for the construction of new urbanization in Jiangsu Province in the future, so as to raise the income level of urban and rural residents in Jiangsu Province, and increase urban employment. Finally, promote the sustainable development of new urbanization in Jiangsu Province. The innovation of the paper lies in the use of the "Chenari deviation" method to judge whether the new urbanization level in Jiangsu Province is reasonable or not, and the establishment of panel data model. Principal component Analysis (PCA) and Generalized least Squares estimation (GLS) are used to analyze the influencing factors of new urbanization level. Finally, the paper uses Northam curve to judge the development stage of urbanization in Jiangsu Province, and constructs a mathematical model of time series to predict the future development trend and prospect of urbanization level in Jiangsu Province. Finally, on the basis of this, the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward.


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