[Abstract]:As a propeller of regional economic development, modern logistics industry has become a new industry in many parts of the country. In the 12th Five-Year Plan of Xinjiang Bingtuan, it was pointed out that the development of modern logistics industry should be emphasized. On the one hand, the development of logistics industry can make the proportion of tertiary industrial structure more reasonable, on the other hand, for the optimal allocation of regional resources, the integration of resources within the region, Reducing production costs plays a vital role. This paper analyzes the environment and present situation of the newly established Tianbei Hanhai Logistics Park in the seventh division of Xinjiang Bingtuan, and compares it with the development of the more mature logistics park in China. On this basis, the strategic positioning and development strategies and suggestions of Tianbei Hanhai Logistics Park are put forward. This research mainly uses the research method of field investigation and literature, data query, to find the theoretical basis, theoretical basis and main problems of the research, to clarify the concept and connotation of the problem. By consulting the domestic and foreign literature related to this study, we can grasp the latest achievements of the more mature logistics parks at home and abroad, and analyze the macro environment and the surrounding logistics environment. Then forecast and analyze the demand of Tianbei Hanhai Logistics Park. Through the research, this paper analyzes the experience of the development of the logistics park at home and abroad, and puts forward the development goal and the implementing measures of the development strategy of Tianbei Hanhai logistics park according to the local conditions. The development goal of Tianbei Hanhai Logistics Park is to build a comprehensive and specialized logistics center with good benefit, smooth operation, new service and strong competitiveness. On the basis of this goal, we make the differentiation strategy (including service differentiation, market differentiation), information strategy and diversification development strategy, and implement the strategy from the following seven aspects: first, grasp the function orientation, The second is to set up the system and the hardware and software platform, the third is to improve the traditional logistics service level, the fourth is to further expand the logistics financial services, the fifth is to increase the integration of resources, the sixth is to actively expand the transport mode, and the seventh is to train and introduce talents in the logistics industry.
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