[Abstract]:By studying the characteristics of urban distribution and its influencing factors during the period of 221 BC-1911 AD, it is found that: (1) in the whole research stage, the center of gravity of urban distribution in China lies in the central and eastern part of China, and the center of gravity of China's urban distribution moved to the southwest region in the period of Qin Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. In Tang and Yuan dynasties, the center of gravity shifted first to northeast and then to southwest, and to the north in Yuan and Qing dynasties. Taking Tengchong Aihui Line as the dividing line, it was found that the center of gravity in the west of China had a large fluctuating trend in the north, south and east direction during the whole research period. (2) the ellipse analysis of standard deviation indicates that the distribution of cities in the whole country and the eastern and western regions has experienced an obvious trend of dispersion, agglomeration and dispersion, especially in the western part of China. From the average direction of urban distribution, there is a certain similarity between the whole country and the eastern region, and the main distribution characteristics are from the northeast to the southwest, and the west from the northwest to the southeast. The spatial continuity and self-organization are strengthened and the structural variation caused by spatial correlation is significant. From the direction of view, the degree of homogenization in the whole direction shows a downward trend, the degree of urban density homogenization is relatively good and the spatial difference is relatively small in each period of northwest to southeast direction. The difference between east and west is most obvious. (4) by analyzing the relative factors of urban setup in different periods, it is found that the urban settings in China were relatively flat terrain, moderate climate and close to rivers and central cities during the period of 221 BC-1911 AD.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学资源环境学院;兰州大学西部环境教育部重点实验室;西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41171143,41271133) 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金(lzujbky-2015-216)
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