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发布时间:2019-04-24 15:10
【摘要】:十八大报告中强调,解决好农业农村农民问题是全党工作重中之重,城乡发展一体化是解决“三农”问题的根本途径。而在三农问题中,如何实现农民更高水平的小康至关重要。要实现农民小康就要增加农民收入,要增加农民收入就必须实现农民的充分或较充分就业,并且推动更高质量的就业。从世界各国的发展经验和我国各地社会主义新农村建设的实践来看,要富裕农民,必须减少农民,要减少农民,必须加快农村劳动力转移就业。目前,国内外对于农村劳动力转移进行了大量的研究,也取得了丰硕的成果,而对于贵州省的研究还很少。 贵州省是我国西部多民族聚居的省份,也是贫困问题最突出的欠发达省份。2012年,,贵州省全省常住人口为3484万人,其中,居住在城镇的人口为1268.52万人,占36.41%;居住在乡村的人口为2215.48人,占63.59%。在这样一个农村人口占2/3的省份,仅靠土地收入,难以使农民和农村摆脱贫穷落后的状况。为了改变贵州省欠发达、欠开发面貌,实现经济又快又好的发展,通过转移农村富余劳动力,解决好农民就业问题,拓宽农民就业途径,增加农民收入就显得尤为重要。本文就针对贵州省的实际情况,对贵州省农村劳动力转移的问题进行研究,并提出相应的对策建议。 本文主要分为五个部分内容: 第一部分是绪论部分,主要是文章相关概念的介绍,国内外关于农村劳动力转移的研究现状,还有关于本文研究目的、研究意义、研究方法等的介绍。 第二部分描述了贵州省农村劳动力转移的现状,主要论述贵州省农村劳动力转移所经历的几个阶段、转移的基本状况以及主要特征。 第三部分是对贵州省农村劳动力转移就业对农民收入的增加的效应进行分析。本文从收入来源结构方面和一元线性回归模型两个方面来证明农村劳动力转移与农民收入之间的相关关系。 第四部分通过贵州省农村劳动力转移就业的现状以及对农民增收的效应分析,剖析制约贵州省农村劳动力转移就业方面的问题。本文认为现阶段贵州省农村劳动力转移主要存在就业渠道狭窄、文化素质偏低、就业服务体系不完善以及就业体制机制等方面的问题。 第五部分主要是针对贵州省农村劳动力转移就业中存在的问题提出适合贵州省农村劳动力转移就业的对策建议,以增加农民收入,促进贵州省经济的增长。
[Abstract]:In the report of the 18th CPC National Congress, it is emphasized that solving the problem of agricultural and rural farmers is the most important task of the whole party, and the integration of urban and rural development is the fundamental way to solve the problem of "agriculture, countryside and rural areas". In the three rural issues, how to achieve a higher level of well-off farmers is essential. In order to realize the peasants' well-off, it is necessary to increase the peasants' income. To increase the peasants' income, we must realize the full or more full employment of the peasants, and promote the higher quality of employment. From the development experience of other countries and the practice of building new socialist countryside in various parts of our country, we must reduce the peasants, and speed up the transfer of rural labor force to employment in order to enrich the peasants. At present, a great deal of research has been done on the transfer of rural labor force at home and abroad, and a lot of achievements have been made, but the research on Guizhou Province is still very few. Guizhou Province is a multi-ethnic province in the west of China, and it is also a less developed province with the most prominent poverty problem. In 2012, the permanent resident population of Guizhou Province was 34.84 million, of which 12.6852 million people lived in cities and towns, accounting for 36.41%. The rural population is 2215.48, or 63.59%. In such a 2-3-3 rural province, land income alone makes it difficult to lift farmers and villages out of poverty and backwardness. In order to change the underdeveloped and underdeveloped situation of Guizhou province and realize the rapid and good development of economy, it is very important to transfer the surplus rural labor force, solve the problem of peasants' employment, widen the way of peasants' employment, and increase the peasants' income. According to the actual situation of Guizhou province, this paper studies the problem of rural labor force transfer in Guizhou province, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction part, mainly is the introduction of the related concepts, domestic and foreign research on the transfer of rural labor force, as well as the purpose of this study, the significance of the research, Introduction of research methods, etc. The second part describes the status quo of rural labor transfer in Guizhou province, mainly discusses several stages of rural labor transfer in Guizhou province, the basic situation and the main characteristics of the transfer. The third part is to analyze the effect of rural labor transfer employment on the increase of farmers' income in Guizhou province. This paper proves the correlation between rural labor transfer and farmers' income from the aspects of income source structure and univariate linear regression model. The fourth part analyzes the problems that restrict the rural labor transfer employment in Guizhou province through the analysis of the present situation of rural labor transfer employment in Guizhou province and the effect on farmers' income increase. This paper points out that there are some problems in rural labor transfer in Guizhou province, such as narrow employment channels, low cultural quality, imperfect employment service system and employment system mechanism. The fifth part mainly aims at the problems existing in the rural labor transfer employment in Guizhou province, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions suitable for the rural labor force transfer employment in Guizhou province, in order to increase farmers' income and promote the economic growth of Guizhou province.


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