发布时间:2021-06-26 05:23
食品安全信息搜寻行为对消费者购买行为具有非常重要的影响。消费者在做出购买决定之前总是会先搜寻食物的信息。因此,研究越南消费者食品安全信息搜寻行为的影响因素具有非常重要的意义。本研究基于对消费者食品安全信息搜寻行为及其影响因素的相关研究成果的回顾和总结,提出了一种反映个人特征、感知风险、食品安全信息搜寻行为以及二者之间关系的理论模型。本研究采用问卷调查法,对越南河内的540个样本进行调查。采用StataSE 12.1对数据进行处理,研究方法包括描述性统计分析、因子分析、方差分析、相关性和线性回归。结果表明,消费者的特征、感知风险和食品安全信息搜寻行为之间存在显著的关系;消费者在网上购买食物和外出就餐的风险是很高的;消费者的性别、居住状况、年龄、教育水平、家庭年收入、家庭每月食品支出、婚姻状况与感知风险有显著相关性;消费者感知的风险水平对其信息搜寻行为具有高度显著的正向影响;消费者的个人特征不仅与信息搜寻行为直接相关,而且还通过感知风险间接影响信息搜寻行为。
【文章来源】:华中农业大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1 Background
2 The purpose and significance
3 Research ideas and content
Chapter Ⅱ Literature review
1 Consumer behavior
2 Consumer's perceived risk
3 Consumer's information seeking behavior
4 The relationship between consumers' perceived risk and information seeking behavior
Chapter Ⅲ Data and methods
1 Research design
1.1 Research subject
1.2 Research method
2 Sample collection
3 Questionnaire
Chapter Ⅳ Results and discussion
1 The demographic profile of the respondents
2 Consumers' food safety perceived risk
2.1 Descriptive statistics
2.2 Factor analysis of consumers' food safety perceived risk
2.3 Simple correlation of consumers' characteristics affect to food safety perceived risk
2.4 ANOVA test of the correlation between respondents' characteristics and their food safety perceived risk
2.5 Summary
3 Consumers' food safety information seeking behavior
3.1 Descriptive statistics
3.2 Factor analysis of Consumers' food safety information seeking behavior
3.3 Summary
4 Consumers' food safety information seeking behavior and influencing factors
4.1 Simple correlation of information seeking behavior and influencing factors
4.2 The factors affect consumers' food safety information seeking behavior
4.3 Summary
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion and suggestion
【文章来源】:华中农业大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1 Background
2 The purpose and significance
3 Research ideas and content
Chapter Ⅱ Literature review
1 Consumer behavior
2 Consumer's perceived risk
3 Consumer's information seeking behavior
4 The relationship between consumers' perceived risk and information seeking behavior
Chapter Ⅲ Data and methods
1 Research design
1.1 Research subject
1.2 Research method
2 Sample collection
3 Questionnaire
Chapter Ⅳ Results and discussion
1 The demographic profile of the respondents
2 Consumers' food safety perceived risk
2.1 Descriptive statistics
2.2 Factor analysis of consumers' food safety perceived risk
2.3 Simple correlation of consumers' characteristics affect to food safety perceived risk
2.4 ANOVA test of the correlation between respondents' characteristics and their food safety perceived risk
2.5 Summary
3 Consumers' food safety information seeking behavior
3.1 Descriptive statistics
3.2 Factor analysis of Consumers' food safety information seeking behavior
3.3 Summary
4 Consumers' food safety information seeking behavior and influencing factors
4.1 Simple correlation of information seeking behavior and influencing factors
4.2 The factors affect consumers' food safety information seeking behavior
4.3 Summary
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion and suggestion