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发布时间:2018-01-01 13:39

  本文关键词:基于流动性风险管理的中国上市商业银行债券投资影响因素研究 出处:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商业银行 流动性风险 债券投资

[Abstract]:Commercial banks have the longest history, the most extensive business scope, and have the greatest influence on the social and economic life of a kind of financial institutions, especially in our country's current market development is not mature. Liquidity risk is the most widely faced risk in the daily operation of commercial banks, and once liquidity crisis occurs. In addition to causing bank management difficulties, asset losses, but also may cause bank bankruptcy or even lead to financial market systemic crisis. Therefore, commercial banks need to attach great importance to their liquidity risk situation. At present, although bond assets are second only to loans, the long-term growth pattern of commercial banks in China is mainly based on deposit and loan spreads. The management of banks pay less attention to bond investment, and the related risk control measures and management mechanisms are not precise enough. With the reform of market economic system and interest rate marketization in China. Bond investment is becoming more and more important in commercial banks. Bond investment can not only improve the liquidity of bank assets, but also strengthen the liquidity risk management of banks. It can also improve the profit space of banks, improve the structure of bank assets, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of banks. This paper draws lessons from the classic Diamond-Dybvigm 1983 model. According to the current situation of commercial banks in China, a bond investment model of commercial banks with liquidity shock is established. This paper analyzes the bond investment model and expected profit of commercial banks under different liquidity requirements, and puts forward the research hypotheses. Then, the paper simulates the cash and bond of commercial banks under different scenarios through the simulation data. Loan holdings, expected profits, the proportion of tradable bonds, the proportion of bonds available for sale and the proportion of bonds held to maturity, the research hypotheses proposed in this paper are verified. Finally. Based on the empirical data, this paper establishes the panel model of bank bond investment, and analyzes the relevant data of listed commercial banks and interbank bond market from 2007 to 2015. It is found that the greater the expected liquidity demand, the higher the proportion of commercial banks holding trading bonds, the lower the proportion of bonds held to maturity, and the greater the expected liquidity demand, the proportion of bonds available for sale is not smaller. However, the average loan interest rate, deposit size, bond market liquidity and deposit-loan ratio of banks have a significant impact on the bond investment. Therefore, commercial banks should give full play to the liquidity role of bond investment. Scientific and reasonable bond investment strategy and timely adjustment according to the changes in the market environment. And the central bank in the formulation of monetary policy. The influence of commercial bank bond investment on the effect of monetary policy implementation should be considered, and the accuracy and effectiveness of monetary policy should be improved.


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