发布时间:2018-02-03 06:32
本文关键词: 独立董事兼职 经营管理效率 公司治理参与 社会联系 出处:《世界经济》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, independent directors have been working part-time in several listed companies in China. This paper is based on the data of A-share listed companies from 2004-2013. This paper examines the impact of independent directors on listed companies. The study found that part-time independent directors significantly improve the management efficiency and profitability of the company and the results are stable. The possible way to this effect is that part-time directors have a higher degree of corporate governance participation and part-time behavior to strengthen the company's social ties. This paper also discusses the potential negative effects of part-time independent Dong on listed companies. It is found that the excessive number of part-time jobs and the geographical distance between companies will inhibit the role of part-time sole Dong in improving the management of the company. The results of this paper enrich our understanding of the corporate governance effect of the phenomenon. At the same time for the regulatory regulation of listed companies only Dong part-time behavior to provide a reference.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学财政金融学院中国财政金融政策研究中心;对外经济贸易大学金融学院;中国人民大学财政金融学院;
【基金】:国家自然基金面上项目“独立董事激励机制的影响因素和激励效果——来自中国上市公司的证据”(71272159)和面上项目“任人唯亲的董事会文化与独立董事更迭的‘逆淘汰’”(71472177) 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”对本项研究的资助 中国国家留学基金对本项研究的资助 国家自然科学基金青年项目“资本市场发展与企业资本结构动态调整”(71402182)的资助
【正文快照】: 一引言从2002年起,中国在上市公司中强制推行独立董事(以下简称独董)制度。在中 国资本市场,为数不少的独董同时兼任多家上市公司独董职务。如图1所示,从2002年至2013年,董事会中有至少一位兼职独董的A股上市公司数量占公司总数的比例从51.65%上升到85.12%,兼职多家上市公司
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