market prices 在 证券 分类中 的翻译结果
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Positive Research on the Behavior of Stock Market Prices 股票市场价格行为的实证研究 Then we calculate out the theoretic price range of 22 trading days from 2004-1-5 to 2004-2-16 about several products by European option pricing model, and we compare the theoretic prices with the market prices. 接着选择了美元与日元、美元与欧元币种组合的两得宝和期权宝,利用欧式外汇期权定价模型计算出2004年1月5日到2004年2月16日间22个交易日不同产品的理论价格区间范围,并将理论价格与市场价格作了比较; 短句来源 Pricing Model Based on Heterogeneity Beliefs——An Empirical Study on China's Stock Market Prices 基于投资者异质性信念的证券定价模型——对我国股票市场价格的实证检验 短句来源 An investigation of the pricing of 19 convertible bonds on the China convertible bond market using daily market prices for a period from the corresponding listed date to 12 Dec. 2003 is implemented. 通过对我国市场上19只可转换债券自发行日至2003年12月12日之间价值的数值模拟,发现市场价格比模型理论值平均偏低11.66%。 短句来源 There is plenty of information included in the stock market prices, and the stock market prices are concerned with many aspects of the working of the stock market. 股票市场价格含有大量丰富的信息,股市价格行为涉及到股票市场运行的方方面面。 在对相关金融理论分析的基础之上,本文主要对中国股价行为的主要典型事实进行经验研究,并对股价决定发现机制和理论进行经验检验,包括8章内容: 短句来源 更多 Positive Research on the Behavior of Stock Market Prices 股票市场价格行为的实证研究 Then we calculate out the theoretic price range of 22 trading days from 2004-1-5 to 2004-2-16 about several products by European option pricing model, and we compare the theoretic prices with the market prices. 接着选择了美元与日元、美元与欧元币种组合的两得宝和期权宝,利用欧式外汇期权定价模型计算出2004年1月5日到2004年2月16日间22个交易日不同产品的理论价格区间范围,并将理论价格与市场价格作了比较; 短句来源 Pricing Model Based on Heterogeneity Beliefs——An Empirical Study on China's Stock Market Prices 基于投资者异质性信念的证券定价模型——对我国股票市场价格的实证检验 短句来源 An investigation of the pricing of 19 convertible bonds on the China convertible bond market using daily market prices for a period from the corresponding listed date to 12 Dec. 2003 is implemented. 通过对我国市场上19只可转换债券自发行日至2003年12月12日之间价值的数值模拟,发现市场价格比模型理论值平均偏低11.66%。 短句来源 There is plenty of information included in the stock market prices, and the stock market prices are concerned with many aspects of the working of the stock market. 股票市场价格含有大量丰富的信息,股市价格行为涉及到股票市场运行的方方面面。 在对相关金融理论分析的基础之上,本文主要对中国股价行为的主要典型事实进行经验研究,并对股价决定发现机制和理论进行经验检验,包括8章内容: 短句来源 更多 If the fractal market hypothesis holds true in Chinese stock market, themovement of market prices will show chaotic and fractal properties. 如果股市符合分形市场假说,那么股市价格运动应表现出混沌与分形的特征。 短句来源 The nature and behavior of stock market prices have been and continue to be of interest to academicians, market regulators and practitioners. 无论是学术界、监管层,还是实际从业人员,都一直对资本市场股价行为及其本质特征饶有兴趣。 短句来源 At present, all the funds in China areof close-end securities inveStment funds, whose market prices in secondary marketare either of discount or premium compared with their net asset values. 目前,,我国的证券投资基金都是封闭式证券投资基金,其在二级市场上的买卖价格与基金净值相比,存在着折价与溢价并存的局面。 短句来源 Now4days, fundswith sizes larger than l billion yUan all suffer from severe discount in market prices,averaging over 20% in discount rate. 目前规模超过10亿元的基金,全部处于大比例折价交易状态,平均折价率高达20%以上。 短句来源 Contrny to this, for those funds with capital of500 Mil1ion yUan or less, the market prices generally enjoy premium and meanpremium rate is nearly 20%. 而与这些基金表现相反的是,规模等于或小于5亿元的基金却都呈现大比例溢价现象,平均溢价率近20%。 短句来源 更多
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market prices
International food policy simulation model (IFPSIM) is also embedded into GIS for the predictions of how crop demands and crop market prices will change under alternative policy scenarios.
The influence of news and actions of various market participants (fundamentalists, chartists, insiders) on the change of market prices is studied.
Fundamental framework for "technical analysis" of market prices
In this context, bubbles are interpreted as low or critical temperature phases, where the imitation strength carries market prices up essentially independently of fundamentals.
Assuming a geometric Brownian motion for forecasting process, we model mispricing as a specific noise component in the dynamics of futures market prices, based on which the optimal hedging strategy is calculated.
The writers discuss the definiteness as well as the indefiniteness of speculation value and its relations with the inner value, the market prices and risks, and then explore the sources of speculation profit.
The paper presents a concept of security assets' holding_value, which can be used to measure the gain potentiality of a given security which in a given time_range. The studies of security market theory indicate that the wave of market price has its own law. In the case of the present market, the valuation of the holding_value must combine the basic analysis with the technique analysis, in accordance with the strategy changes of the game. The factors that affect the holding_value are analyzed,...
The paper presents a concept of security assets' holding_value, which can be used to measure the gain potentiality of a given security which in a given time_range. The studies of security market theory indicate that the wave of market price has its own law. In the case of the present market, the valuation of the holding_value must combine the basic analysis with the technique analysis, in accordance with the strategy changes of the game. The factors that affect the holding_value are analyzed, the method and evaluation model is given.
This pqper set up a modeling about shars market price average,suggest the concept of stock market energy,come to a function of stock market entropy,moake a factor analysis to stock market composite price index,discuss the reason about rise and drop of the index.
本文建立了股票市场价格的一种平均值模型——股票宏观市场价格 ,提出了股票市场能量概念 ,得到了股票市场熵 (或负熵 )的函数 ,对股票市场综合价格指数进行了因素分析 ,讨论了股票市场综合价格指数的上扬与下跌甚至暴涨暴跌的原因及对股市的宏观监控问题
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