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发布时间:2018-04-16 21:04

  本文选题:PPP模式 + 地方政府 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the debt of local government in our country is increasing day by day. If we do not take effective measures to improve this problem in time, it will lead to a series of problems, such as huge fiscal deficit, serious imbalance of revenue and expenditure, and so on.How to reduce financial risk and achieve the goal of sustainable development has become the top priority of economic operation.Since there have been many successful cases of PPP projects in many countries in the world, our government also hopes to absorb social capital to ease the financial pressure of local governments.This paper introduces the basic concept of PPP model by means of literature research, and holds that PPP is a kind of contractual relationship between government and private sector in order to provide public goods and meet public needs, and it has a shared risk.A partnership of equal interest.In addition, starting from the essence of the two basic concepts of PPP model and financial sustainability, this paper expounds the necessity of promoting PPP model and the evaluation criteria of financial sustainability, and combines the two concepts with the principal-agent, which belongs to the basic theory.The public goods and the theory of government failure are compared and discussed, which makes this paper deepen and enrich the theoretical research.It has a theoretical basis for the PPP model to solve the local government debt efficiently, which is beneficial to the application of fiscal sustainability.The relationship between the PPP model and the financial sustainability of the local government is explained theoretically by the qualitative and quantitative analysis method. The model has a positive effect on the financial sustainability of the local government.First, because of the introduction of social capital into the PPP model, local governments broaden their financing channels, which makes the private capital bear part of the burden, lightens the government debt and optimizes the structure of the government debt.Second, since the PPP project is based on a partnership of benefit-sharing and risk-sharing, both sides will do their best to reduce the risk of project failure and the loss caused by the failure of the project.So the PPP model is helpful to reduce the cost of public projects.The third PPP model can produce "catfish effect".Fourth, the government and the private sector need to disclose the costs and benefits of the project, this can improve financial transparency.In addition, the improper use of PPP model can also have a negative effect on the financial sustainability of local governments.First, because the government popularizes as well as the PPP project early stage expense relatively low welcome many blind investment, did not carry on the appraisal before the operation, resulting in the investment surplus.Second, because in the PPP mode, the government and the enterprise pursue the different benefits, therefore will bring the financial risk under the condition that the supervision is not in place.Finally, this paper analyzes and summarizes the experiences of the UK, Canada and Australia in this field, and puts forward the PPP policy recommendations based on the financial sustainability of local governments, that is, to clarify the public and private responsibility, to formulate the relevant laws and regulations of the PPP model, and to establish the supervision mechanism.Establish a reasonable risk sharing mechanism.


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