本文选题:隐马尔科夫模型 + 时间序列 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of China's securities market, there has been a large number of research on the stock market. The quantitative trading is a method to analyze the trading automatically by modeling the stock and using the real-time data of stock market feedback. The theory of quantitative trading holds that the stock market is between invalidity and weakness, that is, the stock price can not reflect all the historical information. Considering that the trading of stocks is influenced by the factors which can not be observed directly, such as the psychology of the traders, and by preprocessing the stock trading data, the intuitionistic trading data can be transformed into a series of indicators, such as reflecting the market trend, market sentiment and so on. And ultimately the final decision to trade. Compared with the traditional manual trading, quantitative trading can overcome the weakness of emotion fluctuation and be easy to manage in the long run. Hidden Markov model (hmm) is a framework for studying stochastic processes, which limits certain conditions laid by complete stochastic processes, thus making completely disordered stochastic processes quantifiable. In this sense, the hidden Markov process simulates the stock market which is not completely ineffective, and coincides with the viewpoint of quantitative trading. The hidden Markov model is a double stochastic process: its core is the transfer of hidden state, but the hidden state is not observable at the same time, only the general observation values can be inferred according to the relationship between them. This reflects the present situation of stock market in a certain sense: what can be observed is stock price, trading volume and other information, while the rise and fall of stock, fluctuation and fluctuation are in fact the products that people have processed according to historical information. Therefore, the hidden Markov model has certain practical significance in simulating the operation of stock market. Based on the hidden Markov model, this paper analyzes the practical significance of determining the parameter variables, and takes the Shanghai Composite Index as the object to simulate the flow of quantitative transactions. The first chapter introduces the background of the transaction. The second chapter explains the theoretical basis of the hidden Markov model, including the Bayesian function, the description of the hidden Markov model and the hidden Markov model combined with the time series. In chapter 3, the selection of parameters in the model is tested and the optimization suggestions are given, and the operation process is explained by combining these parameters with the hidden Markov model. The fourth chapter is a summary of the content of the paper and its practical significance.
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