[Abstract]:Merger and acquisition is an important strategic way in the course of a company's growth, and it is also a convenient means to help enterprises expand their scale, consolidate their core competitiveness and maximize the interests of shareholders. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of various M&A methods on the stock market returns of Listed Companies in China. This paper takes all successful M&A events from 2013 to 2014 and gains control over them. A-share listed companies are the research object, and these listed companies are classified according to the main board, the small and medium-sized board and the growth enterprise board. Starting from the new perspective of M&A mode, this paper uses the excess return rate as the index to reflect the stock market returns. By establishing regression model and other means, it analyzes the choice of M&A mode for listed companies. The results show that in the three major trading sectors, different M&A modes will cause varying degrees of stock market returns.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学经济与管理学部;
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