Nowadays the role of attention toward news is more and moreimportant in securities investment activities. It affects the assets’ pricethrough influencing investors’ psychologies and behaviors. We found thatindividual investors are more likely to buy rather than sell those stocksthat catch their attention. We posit that this is so because attention affectsbuying-where investors search across thousands of stocks-more thanselling-where investors generally choose only from the few stocks thatthey own. We hypothesize that many investors consider purchasing onlystocks that have first caught their attention, means attention-drivenbuying. Also, we hypothesize that there still is reversal effect afterattention impacting the purchasing behavior. We use the number ofsearching containing the code of each stock from BAIDU.COM torepresent the attention. Then we test and confirm these hypothesis modelsfrom the china stock market.
摘要4-5ABSTRACT5第1章 导论7-10 1.1 研究的背景和意义7-8 1.2 本文的研究方法及创新之处8 1.3 本文研究的难点8 1.4 本文的主要思路8-10第2章 理论介绍及文献综述10-13 2.1 理论介绍10-11 2.2 关注度研究及反转效应11-13第3章 关注度衡量方法及相关假设13-16 3.1 关注度介绍13 3.2 寻找关注度衡量标准的新可能13-14 3.3 百度指数简介14 3.4 基于关注度的假设14-16第4章 关注度与当期收益率的实证研究16-19 4.1 样本数据选择16-17 4.1.1 变量定义16-17 4.1.2 样本的描述性统计17 4.2 关注度与当期收益率的单变量线性回归分析17 4.3 关注度与当期收益率的多变量线性回归分析17-19第5章 关注度与预期收益率的实证研究19-25 5.1 样本数据选择19-21 5.1.1 变量定义19 5.1.2 样本的描述性统计19-20 5.1.3 样本分组分析20 5.1.4 变量间相关性分析20-21 5.1.5 关注度与预期收益率的分析模型21 5.2 实证检验及结果分析21-25第6章 结论及政策建议25-27参考文献27-28致谢28-29附件29