本文关键词: 消费社会 人的全面发展 消费方式 出处:《北京交通大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 消费社会是20世纪西方社会变迁的显性现象,也是当代理论界研究的热点问题之一。然而,消费社会的来临对人的全面发展来说是一把双刃剑。一方面,从科学技术和生产力发展的角度来看,西方发达国家的大众消费社会使人们的物质和文化消费得到前所未有的提高,大大提升了社会成员的综合素质,从而促进了人的全面发展;另一方面,从人类生存状态和精神状态的角度来看,符号系统占据了整个社会,甚至连人的生命也在不断地符号化,肉与灵的分离日趋明显,使人类陷入了“消费的囚牢”中,从而限制了人的全面发展。因此,研究如何抵制西方发达国家消费主义生活方式的影响,建立一个有益于人的全面发展的“消费”社会势在必行。 本文通过对消费社会与人的全面发展之间关系的研究,旨在揭示人的全面发展的本质内涵和消费社会对人的全面发展的影响,从而探求如何构建合理的消费方式以促进人的全面发展。全文共分为五部分:第一部引言介绍了论文的背景及意义。第二部分主要以文献汇总的方式对消费社会的理论溯源及其特征进行梳理,并对生产社会向消费社会的过渡作了简要地阐述。第三部分系统地论述了马克思主义关于人的全面发展的理论,阐明了实现人的全面发展的现实条件。第四部分从正反两方面分别讨论了消费社会对人的全面发展的影响。首先运用马克思主义相关理论,立足于生产力高度发展的角度,对消费社会给人的全面发展带来的积极意义进行了系统地论述;其次论述了消费社会给西方和中国带来的负面影响,阐述了消费社会给人带来的危机,并对危机作了反思。第五部分提出了构建合理的消费方式的目标及途径,以更好地促进人的全面发展。
[Abstract]:In 20th century, consumer society was the dominant phenomenon of western social changes, and also one of the hot issues in contemporary theoretical circle. However, the coming of consumer society is a double-edged sword for the all-round development of human beings. On the one hand, the coming of consumer society is a double-edged sword. From the point of view of the development of science and technology and productive forces, the mass consumption society in the western developed countries has made people's material and cultural consumption unprecedented, and has greatly improved the comprehensive quality of the members of the society. On the other hand, from the point of view of the state of human existence and the state of mind, the symbolic system occupies the whole society, and even human life is constantly symbolized, and the separation of flesh and spirit becomes more and more obvious. Thus, the study of how to resist the influence of consumerism lifestyle in western developed countries has limited the overall development of human beings. It is imperative to establish a "consumption" society that is beneficial to the overall development of human beings. Through the study of the relationship between the consumption society and the all-round development of human beings, this paper aims to reveal the essential connotation of the all-round development of human beings and the influence of the consumer society on the all-round development of human beings. The thesis is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the background and significance of the thesis. The second part mainly introduces the consumption society by the way of literature collection. The source of the theory and its characteristics are combed, The third part systematically discusses the Marxist theory on the all-round development of human beings. This paper expounds the realistic conditions for the realization of the all-round development of human beings. Part 4th discusses the influence of consumer society on the all-round development of human beings from both positive and negative aspects. Firstly, it bases itself on the perspective of high development of productive forces by using the relevant Marxist theory. This paper systematically discusses the positive significance of the overall development of the consumer society, and then discusses the negative impact of the consumer society on the West and China, and expounds the crisis brought by the consumer society. Part 5th puts forward the goal and approach of constructing reasonable consumption mode in order to better promote the overall development of human beings.
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