本文选题:明清及近代 + 消费 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 明清时期中国封建社会开始走向没落,一直到中国近代,传统封建社会发生了深刻裂变,在这一过程中,阻碍经济发展的诸多传统观念也随之发生变化。其中以“奢俭观”为核心的传统消费观颇为突出。 作为中国传统消费思想核心的“黜奢崇俭”观是中国传统政治经济条件下的产物,其社会影响深远。在中国明清尤其是近代经济社会裂变的环境中,它受到前所未有的挑战。尤其是到了清末及中国近代,为应对民族危机、重振国威,一些有识之士立足于于社会现实与经济发展趋势,对传统的“黜奢崇俭”的消费观进行批判,并从不同角度阐述了自己的消费思想,这些思想在一定程度上顺应了当时社会经济的发展。 本文从剖析消费概念入手,从各个角度分析消费的含义,阐述了中国的主流消费思想——“黜奢崇俭”和这一思想在明清及近代发生嬗变的原因,并简单回顾了明清以前的鼓励消费思想,在此基础上以主要人物为主线,以“奢俭观”为核心展开,旨在对明清及近代鼓励消费的经济思想进行研究和讨论,并进行总结反思,并力图从这些思想中提炼出积极价值。
[Abstract]:During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the feudal society of China began to decline, until the modern times of China, the traditional feudal society had a profound fission, in this process, many traditional ideas that hindered the economic development also changed. Among them, the concept of extravagance and thrift as the core of the traditional view of consumption is quite prominent. As the core of Chinese traditional consumption thought, the concept of "dethroning extravagance and worshipping thrift" is the product of Chinese traditional political and economic conditions, and its social influence is far-reaching. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially in the modern economic and social fission environment, it was confronted with unprecedented challenges. In particular, in the late Qing Dynasty and in modern China, in order to cope with the national crisis and revive the national prestige, some people of insight, based on the social reality and the trend of economic development, criticized the traditional consumption view of "dethroning extravagance and respecting thrift". And elaborated from different angle own consumptive thought, these thought complied with the social economy development to a certain extent. This paper begins with the analysis of the concept of consumption, analyzes the meaning of consumption from various angles, and expounds the mainstream consumption thought in China-"dethroning extravagance and condoning thrift" and the reasons for the change of this thought in Ming and Qing dynasties and in modern times. It also briefly reviews the thought of encouraging consumption before the Ming and Qing dynasties, on the basis of which the main characters as the main line and the concept of extravagance and thrift as the core, the purpose is to study and discuss the economic thought of encouraging consumption in the Ming and Qing dynasties and in modern times, and to sum up and reflect on it. And tries to extract positive value from these thoughts.
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