[Abstract]:In the 1980s, the new economic sociology revived in the United States, directly challenged the core fields of economics "enterprise" and "market", focused on the social construction of economic behavior, and established the dominant position of "network analysis paradigm". However, the mainstream scholars only pay attention to the human actors in the network, but ignore the non-human actors in the network. Unlike mainstream scholars, the "actor network theory" of the declarative school that has emerged in France in recent years defines "actor" in a broad sense, encompassing both human and non-human beings. Both are unified in the heterogeneous complex network. However, the non-human actors are not active, how do they connect and interact with each other? " The theory of network of actors "realizes the initiative of non-human actors through the" escape "identity of human actors, that is, human actors constantly convert non-human actors out of their own thinking mode and language. Moreover, when human actors translate the roles of non-human actors, human actors and non-human actors interweave with each other and form a dynamic, evolving, inseparable network of actors. Therefore, the market is not the result of independent human monistic actors, but the result of human and non-human pluralistic actors. Therefore, "New and New Economic Sociology", which focuses on human actors and non-human actors, has emerged quietly in the West in recent years, and may become a new round of methodology upsurge in the field of economic sociology in the future.
【作者单位】: 上海政法学院社会管理学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金青年项目“产业转移的嵌入性约束研究”(13CSH067) 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目“上海产业结构调整的嵌入性约束研究”(14YS156) 上海政法学院青年科研基金项目(2014XQN01)
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