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发布时间:2018-12-13 13:53
[Abstract]:Based on the statistical data of 28 provinces and cities in China from 1995 to 2010, this paper analyzes the internal mechanism of the transport carbon emissions hidden behind the space-time pattern and the evolution trend in the process of urban scale expansion in China by using the spatial econometric method. Based on the theory of economic growth convergence, the distribution characteristics and convergence of transport carbon emissions in 28 provinces and cities in China are analyzed. The results show that: (1) China's traffic carbon emissions tend to be concentrated in space, and the average spontaneous transport carbon emissions are the same in different provinces and cities, but there are great differences between different provinces and cities. The transportation carbon emission is higher in the developed coastal areas and lower in the western regions. (2) although there is no uniform 蟽 convergence in China's traffic carbon emissions, there exists 16 stage (year) 蟽 convergence and 尾 absolute convergence, and the 尾 absolute convergence rate is about 8.3%; 3 under the condition of long-term equilibrium, the elasticity of the area of the urban built-up area and the energy consumption per vehicle per capita to the traffic carbon emission is about 0.93n0.34n0.65respectively. Based on the research, the policy orientation of carbon emission reduction in China is put forward.
【作者单位】: 湖南工业大学全球低碳城市联合研究中心;


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